2024 Year in Review: Still Riding the Chronic Illness Rollercoaster!
Living With ME/CFS
2w ago
For the second year in a row, I'm referring to the past year as a rollercoaster (in fact, Riding the Chronic Illness Rollercoaster is the name of a chapter in my book!) because that's the best description for it, with major highs and major lows last year in my life with ME/CFS and Lyme. In this post, I'll provide a brief overview of my year and what caused those ups and downs, review the many different treatments I tried (or restarted or stopped) and what helped and what didn't. I also made a video summary, if you prefer to watch (I'll link it here after it's edited and posted or you can che ..read more
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Favorite Movies Watched in 2024
Living With ME/CFS
2w ago
Once again, I reviewed just 9 movies in 2024, in part because there is so much great TV to watch now. I only review movies that I really enjoy, so any movies on my entire 2024 list (below) are worth watching, not just my top picks. Also, it's almost impossible these days to label a movie in a single genre, so I included some explanation for most of them. As in years past, my top picks in each genre are just below and my full list of movies reviewed last year  is further down. To see all of the movies I have reviewed on my blog--a considerable list--check out the Movies tab, where they ar ..read more
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A Look Back at Travel and Outdoors in 2024
Living With ME/CFS
3w ago
Last week, I put together a highlight reel of all of our outdoor trips from last year, a Travel Year in Review. We travel with our little camper--our home away from home--so we go at our own pace and usually have very relaxing trips. It's so rejuvenating to get outside and spend so much time surrounded by nature; it's very peaceful and provides a lovely break from the usual busy, online life I lead. My illness did interrupt our travels a couple of times last year, which I mention in the video, but we were fortunate to be able to travel to some lovely places and surround ourselves with natura ..read more
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My Relapse Is Finally Ending!
Living With ME/CFS
1M ago
I got out on a local walking trail today! Sorry I've been so absent from the blog; I was pretty wiped out after the holidays. But I have good news! After three months of being badly relapsed with my chronic illness (ME/CFS) and stuck on the couch, I am starting to come back to life. The last two weeks, I had some better days but was very up and down: good day, bad day, good day, bad day, etc. This week, I have finally turned the corner. Today is my fourth good day in a row, so I don't think this is a fluke. I seem to be finally coming back to life. I left the house three times this w ..read more
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Movie Monday: Next Exit
Living With ME/CFS
1M ago
My husband and I took a break from the hectic holiday season recently with a movie. I chose Next Exit. I'm not sure where I first heard about this movie, but it was on my very long list (an Excel spreadsheet!) of movies I want to watch. The premise sounds a bit dark (and my husband doesn't like dark), but I liked the trailer and read that it had some humor in it. We both enjoyed it very much, though it is hard to categorize, as it includes elements of drama, comedy, and even science fiction. The movie is set against a science fiction backdrop, but that only comes into the story at the very be ..read more
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Chronic Illness Holiday Update
Living With ME/CFS
1M ago
Wow, I knew it had been a while since I had the time or energy to post here, but I see it's been three weeks! Sorry about that. I am still in the throes of a bad relapse of my ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome)--about two and a half months now--and the holiday season has been rough. I've had terrible flu-like aches every day for about the last 10 weeks, so I know my immune system is in an "activated" or hyper state. But I have no idea what triggered it this time. When the same thing happened at the same time last year, it turned out to be a flare-up of yeast overgr ..read more
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Diets Recommended for Chronic Illness: Paleo, Keto, Carnivore
Living With ME/CFS
2M ago
I finally edited and uploaded my video on the three diets most often recommended for ME/CFS, long-COVID, and other immune disorders: paleo, keto, and carnivore diets. The video describes each of these three different diet options in detail, including what each entails, how they can benefit someone with chronic illness, and lots of ideas on what kinds of foods to eat, with plenty of suggestions for meals, snacks, and recipes. All three of these diets are often recommended for a wide variety of medical conditions, including immune disorders like ME/CFS and long-COVID, autoimmune disease, and a ..read more
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Giving Tuesday 2024: Help ME/CFS and Long-COVID Patients
Living With ME/CFS
2M ago
Today is Giving Tuesday, a day devoted to giving back, after the commercial excesses of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Every little bit counts, even if it's only $2 or $5. If you, like me, spent way too much shopping online for the holidays yesterday or you just want to give year-round, you can even set up a recurring donation. That's what I did years ago with OMF (see below) so that $5 was automatically donated from me each month, and last year, I increased it to $10 a month. I don't have to think about it or do anything else, and my donation now adds up to $120 a year! It only takes a few m ..read more
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Chronic Illness Vlog: COVID and ME/CFS - Small Improvements, Small Joys
Living With ME/CFS
2M ago
It's now been three weeks since my COVID infection struck, on top of ME/CFS, and I am still struggling. Many of the viral symptoms have improved (though I still have a lot of mucus), but I am still severely lacking in energy and stamina. I am now able to sit up for short periods of time most days, so that's an improvement. But, I am mostly still living life from my "couch nest," lying down a lot, and sleeping more than usual. My writing energy is still very limited, but I did put together a vlog last week, so I thought I'd share that with you. It's hard to see any changes day-to-day because ..read more
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Roadmap to Effective Treatments for ME/CFS and Long-COVID
Living With ME/CFS
2M ago
The problem with a blog is that older posts kind of get buried, and my blog is now over 18 years old! So, I wanted to write a new post that directs you to all of my main treatment posts, since that is the topic that people with ME/CFS and long-COVID are often most interested in. For a more detailed explanation of each of the topics below, check out the Effective Treatments tab at the top of the page. That is also a guideline of all the treatments we have found effective, but I thought it would be helpful to write a current post to bring it to more people's attention. (NOTE: Everything mentio ..read more
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