How To Curb Your Shopping Addiction Around The Holidays
The Addiction Center Blog
by Jessica Sherer
1y ago
Holiday Spending Can Fuel Shopping Addiction It’s that time of year again. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, comes the festive TV ads for this year’s hottest electronics and overflowing inboxes filled with 50% off promotions. This can be a particularly difficult time for those who struggle with a shopping addiction. Categorized as a behavioral addiction, shopping addiction (also known as compulsive buying disorder or oniomania) is when a person experiences an excessive or overwhelming desire to make purchases, without any true need for the item, and regardless of any resul more
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5 Ways To Spot A Relapse
The Addiction Center Blog
by Dr. Ashish Bhatt
1y ago
Spotting A Relapse In A Loved One Recovering from an addiction is never easy, and there are many bumps and obstacles along the way. One of those bumps is a very common, often expected part of getting sober: relapse. Studies show that for one year outcomes across alcohol, nicotine, and illicit drugs, more than 85% of individuals will experience a relapse within one year following treatment. While the signs and symptoms of relapses exist on a wide spectrum, there are many that may be difficult to spot for those who may not be close to the person who has relapsed. These symptoms, which are often more
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The Importance Of Aftercare In Recovery
The Addiction Center Blog
by Dr. Ashish Bhatt
1y ago
Understanding Aftercare Addiction is a complex, progressive disease that can often require intensive care to be properly addressed. Multiple areas of a person’s life contribute to the development of an addiction, and no two cases are ever the same. After initial addiction treatment, supportive mechanisms that address all areas of life should be put in place to maintain a healthy recovery. Aftercare, or continued care, is a term often applied to this stage of treatments and services, which are typically available after completing addiction treatment. While higher levels of care are typically pe more
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Jobs With The Highest Addiction Rates
The Addiction Center Blog
by Zachary Pottle
1y ago
The Top 10 Jobs With The Highest Rates Of Drug Abuse Drug and alcohol addiction can be caused by a variety of factors. For some, an addiction can be the result of a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. For others, environmental factors such as trauma, financial issues, or stress can all result in the development of an addiction. For many people, one of the largest points of stress in their lives is their job. Whether it’s due to long hours, physical strain, discrimination, or other factors, jobs can be incredibly stressful. Unfortunately, for some people more
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It Can Happen To Anyone: Jen Hirst’s Recovery Story
The Addiction Center Blog
by Zachary Pottle
1y ago
A Day To Remember For most people, photos from their wedding day are among some of their most cherished memories, capturing moments from a day filled with happiness, love, and joy. For Jen Hirst, however, photos from her wedding day serve as a reminder of one of the hardest days of her life, and sadly, one she only remembers parts of. “My wedding was one of the hardest days of my life. And it’s supposed to be something that you’ll remember forever, but I only remember some of it. That was the beginning of me getting help.” Now a mother of two young children, a health and fitness lover, and f more
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The Pros And Cons: How Pornography Affects Relationships
The Addiction Center Blog
by David Hampton
1y ago
Pornography’s Impact On Relationships Pornography is a consistently controversial subject in our society. From its increased use, to its expanded accessibility, to the impact it has on us as individuals, pornography is a multi-layered subject that evokes strong feelings from both those for and against its use. However, no matter where you land on the issue, it can be agreed that one area greatly impacted by pornography is romantic relationships. Factors To Consider While pornography’s effects on an individual’s sexual habits are frequently discussed, its effects on a couple’s sexual relationsh more
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Four Benefits Of Getting Sober Early
The Addiction Center Blog
by Dr. Ashish Bhatt
1y ago
Why Getting Sober Early In Life Is Important Addiction, like many other conditions, is a progressive disease; meaning it worsens over time. The longer somebody uses drugs or alcohol the more likely they are to not only develop a substance use disorder, but also a host of severe health conditions. Additionally, addiction can cause significant damage to other areas of a person’s life, including intimate personal and social relationships, loss of jobs, failures in education, legal and financial issues, and ultimately loss of life. While the best way to avoid any of the consequences of drug or alc more
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Top 10 Signs Of Shopping Addiction
The Addiction Center Blog
by Amber Biello-Taylor, CAP, LCSW
1y ago
What Are The Top 10 Signs Of Shopping Addiction? A shopping addiction, often called compulsive buying or oniomania, is a behavioral addiction described as an excessive and overwhelming desire to make purchases that ultimately lead to negative repercussions. Shopping addiction can substantially harm a person’s life, including their relationships and financial well-being. Individuals who struggle with a shopping addiction will often experience feelings of excitement or pleasure while shopping. These feelings can temporarily relieve feelings of stress, anxiety, or boredom. The alleviation of thes more
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Recovery As Rebirth: Daniella Park’s Story
The Addiction Center Blog
by Zachary Pottle
1y ago
Into Oblivion Years ago, Daniella Park would have told you she was living a life straight out of a movie. As the daughter of two television industry parents who traveled the world, Daniella was able to pursue any dream that ever crossed her mind. With an impressive resume that included stunt actress, publicist for the world-renowned Muscle & Fitness, and Vice President of legendary star-maker Jay Bernstien’s production company, Daniella was living large and partying alongside some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. However, all that came to a screeching and nearly life-ending halt on September more
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Dan Mager’s Recovery Story
The Addiction Center Blog
by Dan Mager, MSW
1y ago
The First Introduction As An Addict “I’m Dan, and I’m an addict.” That was how I introduced myself during the first group session I attended after I entered a treatment facility in late 2006. This proclamation was the first time I admitted aloud to being “an addict” after using alcohol and other drugs for 35 years (75% of my life). I had used one or more substances virtually every day for almost 30 years. It was an admission I had steadfastly avoided, but it was simultaneously terrifying and liberating. I recall being able to breathe more deeply than I had in some time. Although relapse is an more
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