Anne Midgette
Anne Midgette came to the Washington Post in 2008, when she consolidated her various cultural interests under the single title of chief classical music critic. She blogs at The Classical Beat.
Anne Midgette
4y ago
He was in his 30s when fingers in his right hand suddenly stopped working, but remained a gifted performer while gaining renown as a conductor and teacher ..read more
Anne Midgette
5y ago
The best moments of 2019 weren’t all that far from the worst moments of 2019 ..read more
Anne Midgette
5y ago
The perpetually boyish music director of the San Francisco Symphony and co-founder of the New World Symphony wears his elder-statesman mantle lightly ..read more
Anne Midgette
5y ago
“Intermezzo” reflects the in-between spaces (and, alas, gaps) in the orchestra’s transformation ..read more
Anne Midgette
5y ago
Strong cast and staging do justice to a composer long dismissed as a lightweight ..read more