MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
A Personal Finance Website Blog.We talk about Investment, fix income instruments, Equity, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Tax planning, Stock market, top stocks, business & business ideas,
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
2y ago
Mirae Asset Mutual Fund is among India’s fastest-growing asset management companies. The consistent outperformance of its equity funds has been the primary driver of its exponential growth. Mirae Asset Investments is a multi-asset manager that provides cutting-edge strategies to help customers accomplish their goals in an ever-changing environment. Mirae Asset was founded in Asia and ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
Mutual Fund SIP is one of the best investment options. You can easily beat inflation and generate two-digit returns by investing money in mutual funds. If you are serious about wealth creation, you should invest in Mutual Funds via SIP way. Leaving surplus cash in the savings account is not the correct way to grow ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
Hybrid Mutual Funds – There are three types of mutual fund investors, One, those who are willing to take a risk and invest in equity funds. Second, are those who are risk-averse and select debt funds, and third is balanced investors, who invest in hybrid mutual funds. What is Hybrid Mutual Fund? Hybrid mutual funds are ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Scheme) is one of the best investment options. ELSS not only helps you to save taxes but also gives opportunity to grow your money. You can claim a tax deduction of 1.5 Lakh under section 80C by investing in ELSS. ELSS comes with 3 years lock-in period. Tax saving season is ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
Best Mutual Funds 2022 – Which are the top mutual funds for 2022? Where I should invest my money in 2022. I am sure, like many other people you are also searching for answers to these questions. Don’t worry your search end here. In this post, I am going to share my list of best ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
The technology fund is a sectorial fund. Technology fund makes investment in information technology-related stocks and business. Information Technology is one of the key driving factor behind the economy. IT sector is booming despite of Covid-19. The growth behind information technology companies are mainly due to technology advancement. The companies dealing in digital services, industry ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
Focused mutual funds are also known as concentrated mutual funds. This fund holds limited number of quality stocks. As focused funds invests in limited number of stocks that’s why focused fund does not offer benefit of diversification. Focused equity funds are suitable for long term aggressive investors. If you are planning to invest in focused ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
Gilt Mutual Funds – Debt mutual funds are considered as safe investment option. Gilt Funds are type of debt fund that makes investment in government securities. Recently one of my friend asked question about Gilt Mutual Funds. He asked me that he is looking for safe investment option. Should he opt for Gilt Funds? So ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
NFO stands for New Fund offer. It is like stock IPO. In IPO new stock is released for the first time investment. Whereas in new fund offer mutual fund is released for the investor by the mutual fund companies for the first time. The NFO remains open for fixed time duration. NFO price in mutual ..read more
MoneyExcel » Mutual Funds
3y ago
Index funds are specialized mutual funds that try to replicate popular stock market indexes such as Sensex, nifty etc. All the stocks in the index funds are in same proposition as that of index. The fund manager does not act as active fund manager. He simply copies respective index in order to build fund portfolio ..read more