Jim's Marketing Blog
Jim Connolly has worked in marketing since 1986, with his own successful marketing business since 1995. Although he specializes in helping small businesses, his clients have included 2 of the 10 largest companies in the world. He helps small business owners to increase their sales, attract more clients, and boost their profits. Get into his blog and learn more about services, tips, ideas,..
Jim's Marketing Blog
2M ago
A company pays a salesperson $125,000 a year. That salesperson has generated an average of $250,000 a year, for 3 years, in high-profit sales. He did great. No he didn’t! He was terrible. In fact, he was worse than a waste of money. And here’s why. They were losing their company a fortune! You see, […]
The marketing information you need was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
2M ago
Many important decisions your prospective customer or client make, are well on their way to being made within seconds. Think about it. In the same way that you and I start to form our opinions within seconds, so do our prospects. That’s why we need to create a strong first impression. Here’s a useful way […]
Boost your sales in seconds was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
2M ago
Today, I’m going to share an extremely powerful marketing tip with you. It’s something that the vast majority of your competitors either won’t be doing correctly or won’t be doing at all. Get it right and you’ll give yourself a massive competitive advantage. It starts with this fundamental truth. People, including your prospective clients, universally HATE the […]
The easy switch: Attract clients like a magnet was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
2M ago
When I started out in sales and marketing, it was all about closing the sale. In fact, good salespeople were often referred to as good closers. Decades later, I still see sales recruiters asking for candidates who have a proven record of closing. Here’s why you need to be extremely careful, before using any of […]
Closing the sale? was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
2M ago
The word ‘solutions‘ is one of the most damaging in marketing. Here’s why. Plus, how to stop it from losing you a fortune in lost sales. I need to stat with a quick question: What is the main reason someone should buy from you or hire you? That’s a question, which many small businesses struggle to […]
Stop offering solutions was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
3M ago
Hannah has almost 2000 newsletter subscribers. Her open rates are always over 80%. And yet in 5 years, she’s attracted just 4 paying clients directly from her newsletter readership. She asked me what she was doing wrong. I suggested, (with her permission), that as this is a really common problem, I’d share my answer with […]
Why your subscribers aren’t hiring you (and how to fix it). was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
3M ago
Small business owners have limited resources to dedicate to marketing. This should not be a barrier to success. Far from it. Here are some high impact marketing ideas that require very little time, and little or no marketing money. Allow me to explain. When you find yourself with limited resources, the key is to focus […]
Achieve high impact sales, with minim effort or budget was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
3M ago
You have grabbed your reader’s attention. Your next step is extremely important. Here’s what to do next, plus something you must avoid in order for your marketing to be effective. Let’s go. Getting the reader’s attention is the easy part. We can do that with a clickbait headline or an outrageous statement. However, a marketing […]
You’ve grabbed your reader’s attention. Now what? was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
4M ago
A friend of mine regularly appears as an expert on business programs. She called me with a question. It’s a question about a foundational truth of all business success and I think you’ll find my answer useful, so I’m sharing it with you. Okay. Here’s my friend’s question. I need a piece of business advice, […]
Keep the good. Lose the bad! was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more
Jim's Marketing Blog
4M ago
Here’s the foundation of all successful marketing. In just 7 words. It motivates people to take action, now. I’ll break that down into 3 steps, so you can put it to work for your business. The marketing from most small and medium-sized businesses is missing at least one of those essential steps. It’s either not […]
It motivates people to take action, now was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog ..read more