Welcome to Slam Dunk Math, a blog that combines my two greatest passions: Teaching High School Math, and Coaching Basketball.
3y ago
This is really a story of the unexpected beauty of mathematics. If you know me then you know I live in a #thinkingclassroom (via Peter Liljedahl) and love to #spiral curriculum (post about it). This post really speaks to those two ideas.
I am teaching grade 11 College math when this happened but I feel like this could be done in grade 9 or grade 10 as well.
The goal was to review Sum of Squares ( my name for Pythagorean Theorem) Post I wrote about it kinda.
Here was the plan:
Random groups #VRG on #VNPS
Give students this sequence of mixed numbers 1 1/3, 2 2/5, 3 3/7 more
4y ago
Dominoes - Relationships between the Number of the Domino and Various Variables
This has been a great activity for me over the years. Can just do Exponential Relations or add in Logarithms. Of course Dan Meyer Rocked it as a three act task here first.
Dane Ehlert relates it the 5 practices nicely here. You should check his website out - pretty spectacular.
And then this is my take on it in my spiraled activity based #thinkingclassroom. Lot's to unpack.
Students watched this video and then were examined the relationship between the number of the dominoe and so more