Reddit » Tools
This sub is for tool enthusiasts worldwide to talk about tools, professionals and hobbyists alike.
Reddit » Tools
7h ago
It's a m8 or 5/16 bolt that takes another to add stability to a headboard. What is it called
submitted by /u/Timely_Tangerine_939
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Reddit » Tools
7h ago
My m12 Milwaukee drill driver won’t stand on the xc battery! I couldn’t stand it anymore so I made a stand for it! ? You guys think I should add any accessories to it like bit holder? I kind of like the minimal look. I have enough filament to make 5 or so - might put it on etsy if people are interested or if you have your own 3d printer message me I’ll send you the stl file. ?
submitted by /u/3DHUSTLERS
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Reddit » Tools
7h ago
Hello all, This is the first time I decided to splurge a little in getting some of the quality tools while I am here in Germany. While purchasing them I forgot to check if its fine to carry them in my checked in luggage in the airport or not. Aftter going through the airports list of prohibited items it seems they are not allowed in cabin, but theres no mention of them in checked in luggage part. Will i face any issue at the customs ? Btw I am also planning to add a knipex cobra to the lot since I do need some nut openner every now and then. Avoiding pliers wrench since it's almost twice more
Reddit » Tools
7h ago
Accidentally ground down the nozzle tip on the mister and now it won't pull the liquid right.
I spent over 4 hours yesterday trying to find a replacement. Contacted the company the sells the unit and they are willing to sell me 20 of them for $10 each which I'd rather not do.
Every cheap mister that is similar to this uses the same tip, there must be someone, somewhere that knows something about this and I'm hoping you find folks might be the answer.
submitted by /u/TheKindestJackAss
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Reddit » Tools
7h ago
Hi All,
My work is selling an inactive air compressor, the tank is approx. 75 Gal (From measurements) Binks brand, from a little research I believe the compressor is Quincy brand, and the motor is a Leland-Newman brand. I believe the compressor unit was recently rebuilt and the compressor is in working order. How much would something like this go for? Thanks.
submitted by /u/Glum-Water-9771
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Reddit » Tools
7h ago
I’ve got this floor Jack that I found and I’m curious if anyone has some advise before I break it any further. The gear on the bottom won’t move at all. Any advice on how to get it I’m stuck? TIA
submitted by /u/Parkerox
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Reddit » Tools
7h ago
Does anybody have a good recommendation for a multi bit driver that lasts? I’ve had a fearless grey tools one before that I’ve broken, I really liked this Wera, might settle and just buy another
submitted by /u/SnowmanJPS
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Reddit » Tools
7h ago
OK so I help run some cycling events a few times a year, and for the events we have some big tents. Not circus tent size, but up to 22m/72’ across, so these are not small by any means. Neither are the stakes. Mostly, we use stakes that are about 25mm/1” in diameter and fairly long. When the ground is soft, driving them is no problem. Sometimes, we set up in places where the ground is almost impossibly hard and we need multiple people taking turns to get a single stake sunk sufficiently.
We have sledgehammers, but as we scale up our operation, I’m wondering if there isn’t a power tool that wou more