Calvary Music
Calvary Music is the worship ministry of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. Living to know Christ and together make him known through worship and music.
Calvary Music
6y ago
PEACEImagine yourself at a cabin, sitting in a porch, staring out at this grandiose mountain with a lake right at the front. The temperature is just breezy enough to where you can wear shorts and a t-shirt and feel perfect. I don’t know about you, but to me, that is the most restful and peaceful scenario I can think of. Peace is something we all search for . . . but do we actually know what peace is and where it comes from? The dictionary defines peace as “a state of mutual harmony between people or groups.” This definition indicates that peace comes from us being unified and one. So, why do ..read more
Calvary Music
6y ago
Pray with Faith What does it mean to pray with faith?There is a prayer that hopes, and there is a prayer that expects. One asks with an uncertainty of what will be, and the other asks with an unwavering confidence that it will. And the nature of each is determined by one’s knowledge (or lack thereof) of who God is. Knowing that He is good, able, and generous changes the nature of how and why we pray. So often it seems like our prayers have become a timid wish list of what He might give us if He is in a good mood. It leaves a backdoor wide open in case He doesn’t come through. The courage to as ..read more