Fitness Over Fifty Blog
My name is Chris Zaremba, and I have set up Fitness Over Fifty to provide information, ideas and inspiration to anyone who is over 50 and is looking to improve their level of fitness. Fitness is a major part of my life, I can honestly say I am now healthier and fitter at 59 than I was at 29. I've had a huge amount of fun on the way, and I am keen to pass these benefits to many others as..
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
1y ago
There are dozens of shoulder exercises out there – but here are my top three – including movements for lateral (side raise), press (overhead press machine) and front raise (barbell). Try these three, remembering to keep good form and feel free to do them with free weights or machine – the form and pace is more important then which you approach you choose.
See the video here ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
1y ago
I’ve refined my abs workouts over the years, and I’m pretty happy now with the current version. I call it the Abs:120 as it has 120 movements – designed to work separately on the upper and lower abs – plus also combined upper and lower.
It also included the two movements for the obliques (side abs) – twisting and leaning. I do this workout 5 days a week straight after my morning cardio (before breakfast) – it adds just 5 minutes to the cardio session.
Enjoy, please try it and let me know if you like it.
See the video by clicking here.
This was filmed outside at Golds in Venice Beach, but ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
1y ago
Two top exercises for legs are leg extensions, and prone hamstring curls – prone, as you are lying face down. Just about every gym will have machines for these actions.
But nowhere, apart from Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach, California, have I seen versions of these machines quite as vintage as these. They are chain-and-cog driven, and have a lovely smooth motion – they are obviously much loved pieces of history, that are kept well-oiled on the chains.
If you go to Gold’s, do have a go on these machines. Even if it’s not a leg day for you – its a joy to do, and you are using a re ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
2y ago
The people over at Saga know a thing or two about people in the better half of their first century – over 50, in other words.
So when they asked me to talk about body composition for an article they were creating, I was only to happy to help.
If you have ever wondered about body composition, why its important to your health and fitness, and how to influence it – or maybe you think just your overall weight is the key number – then I suggest you read the article.
I hope you enjoy the read and find it both interesting and useful. To see the article, just click here ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
2y ago
Creating goals for yourself, and finding ways to achieve them despite some setbacks, is a fundamental step in fitness success.
In the most recent episode of my ‘Fit Happens’ podcast, inspirational coach Matt Lovett discusses this vital topic with me – and Matt’s detailed thoughts, ideas and approach, can help you progress faster than you thought possible.
This podcast was recorded in January, so there are additional references to New Year Resolutions – which, as you’ll find, are of value whatever month it is.
This was originally broadcast live on MarlowFM during my Good Morning Marlow show, wi ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
2y ago
Happy Christmas from me (Chris) and everyone else here at Fitness Over Fifty Global HQ (umm, that’s just me then!).
I hope all you fantastic quintastics have great fitness plans for the New Year – although it’s very understandable if that’s not top of your mind this particular Christmas season. To maybe help you get into the fitness mood, here’s a lovely little tale from Germany about how Papa got fit – and how it helped him do just one thing. Imagine all the other benefits he will get as an over-fifty with fitness in his life. If you’re over fifty and would like to see a similar change ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
2y ago
Do you have someone in your life that is over fifty, and is either overweight or under-fit (or both)? And that person could be you, of course.
I suggest you buy them (or buy for yourself, if it is indeed you) a copy of my new book ‘Fat to Fit at Fifty’. It describes my own journey from being obese at 50 to being fitter than I have ever been by the age of 60. As well as my own change, the book gives full details via a multi-stage plan so that you can do the same, and find a new you that it is just waiting to be discovered.
It’s not too late to start, and a good start is readin ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
2y ago
I’m going to be interviewed on a YouTube Live session tomorrow (Saturday) evening from 7pm (UK time). Ideal for asking me your questions!
Hosted by fitness legend Kelvin ‘Oggie’ Cornish, I’ll be asked questions relating to all aspects of getting from fat to fit at over fifty – including my own journey that led me to 10 physique trophies from 55 onwards, as well as my advice for others joining me in the better half of their first century.
And you can ask your own questions too, and I promise to give honest answers!
Anytime from 7pm on Saturday 30th October on
bit.ly/Live_Chat_With_Chr ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
2y ago
Matt Lovett is a top rehab therapist and is well known for helping people achieve the maximum results from their potential.
Now available for the first time since original broadcast (as part of season 2 of the Fit Happens TV series), here are Matt’s words of wisdom on getting your nutrition up there alongside your training.
Click here to see the video ..read more
Fitness Over Fifty Blog
2y ago
I was invited to appear on the amazing Health Oddity podcast this week. Hosted by the fab trio of James, Peter and Paul, this podcast strips away the jargon of fitness and gets to the real stories. And this week it’s fitness for the over fifties, my own story, my advice and thoughts from my book.
Take a listen on:
www. bitly.com/ChrisOnHealthOddity
It’s an entertaining and interesting way to spend an hour, especially if you’ve joined me in the better half-century of life ..read more