Lecture recital on 3 November 2023; Yoomi Kim and ...
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
1y ago
Lecture recital on 3 November 2023; Yoomi Kim and I performing the first and last mvts. of the wonderfully expressive Sonata for flute and piano op.8 by Gunter Raphael. Our performance was followed by a lecture by guest scholar Dan Stone ..read more
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UVic Flute Syllabus for 2023-24
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
1y ago
2023 Fall term MUS 1-2-3-440, 3-4-545 Instructor: Dr. Suzanne Snizek Preferred contact method: email: ssnizek@uvic.ca Office #250-721-7920           Welcome to the UVic Flute Studio! I am looking forward to working with each one of you as your flute instructor and artistic mentor at the UVic School of Music. Required Materials  All flute students are required to obtain the following: 1. 24 Petite Melodies by Marcel Moyse https://www.amazon.com/Moyse-24-Little-Melodic-Studies/dp/B00006M2QH 2. Taffanel and Gaube ..read more
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Photo from after concert 31 March 2023
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
2y ago
Photo from after concert 31 March 2023 ..read more
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Great article
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
2y ago
Jus wanted to share the classic article “How to be the Ideal Student” by the legendary flutist and pedagogue Jeanne Baxtresser (like me, also a former student of the great Julius Baker who taught for many years in New York and Philadelphia). I have read this essay many times over the years! It really gets to the heart of what teachers often are seeking from their students: https://www.jeannebaxtresser.com/education/article-ideal-student.php ..read more
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30 October 2022 studio recital
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
2y ago
Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce our next flute studio recital will be 30 October at 3 PM in PTY recital hall at the UVic School of Music. All are very welcome & admission is by donation. Works by Demachi, Enesco, Fabregas, Garrop, Jardanyi, Muczysnki, Novak, Poulenc, Uebayashi and Villa Lobos. This concert will also be livestreamed at https://finearts.uvic.ca/music/calendar/live/ Hope to see you there ..read more
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Flute Lesson Syllabus 2022-23
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
2y ago
2022-23 UVIC FLUTE LESSON SYLLABUS MUS 1-2-3-440, 3-4-545 Instructor: Dr. Suzanne Snizek Preferred contact method: email: ssnizek@uvic.ca Office #250-721-7920           Welcome to the UVic Flute Studio! I am looking forward to working with each one of you. I will be your flute instructor and artistic mentor during your studies at the UVic School of Music. Required Materials  All flute students are required to obtain the following: 1. 24 Petite Melodies by Marcel Moyse https://www.amazon.com/Moyse-24-Little-Melodic ..read more
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2022-23 required books for UVIc flute studio
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
2y ago
Required Materials  All flute students are required to obtain the following: 1. 24 Petite Melodies by Marcel Moyse https://www.amazon.com/Moyse-24-Little-Melodic-Studies/dp/B00006M2QH 2. Taffanel and Gaubert “17 Daily Exercises” https://www.amazon.com/Exercises-Jounaliers-Mecanisme-Ejercicios-Mechanismo/dp/B01N9NVNEK/ref=pd_sbs_7?pd_rd_w=DGHqG&pf_rd_p=2419a049-62bf-452e-b0d0-ca5b7e35a7b4&pf_rd_r=G81XV0DSHVKYY7741W0Q&pd_rd_r=ec41c34c-e483-49f3-934f-b341d304ddcb&pd_rd_wg=zCnmM&pd_rd_i=B01N9NVNEK&psc=1 3. Trevor Wye’s (please be sure to get th ..read more
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Studio Schedule 2022-23
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
2y ago
FLUTE STUDIO SCHEDULE 2022–23 (draft; subject to change) All classes FTF in B037 unless otherwise indicated. Additional guests may be added. On orchestral excerpt dates, additional performers may volunteer (as time allows) 7 September: Brief Orientation & Beethoven Symphony 3 “Eroica” (primary solo only, beginning with f octave leaps) AM, HG 14 September Beethoven Leonore Overture (primary solo only, beginning on low D ascending scale) LD, QZ 21 September (ONLINE ZOOM CLASS; link already provided by email) Guest artist Marie Noelle Berthelet, principal flute Regina Symphony) BN, LD, HG pre ..read more
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2022-23 studio recitals
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
3y ago
Happy to announce our two studio recitals in the coming year: 30 October 2022 and 22 January 2023. Both are Sundays, at 2 PM (Vancouver BC time) and in PTY recital hall at the UVic School of Music. Both concerts will also be live streamed, please see https://finearts.uvic.ca/music/calendar/live ..read more
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Concert featuring Asian composers
Flute at UVic
by Suzanne
3y ago
Ada Qian, a 2nd yr MMus in flute performance student, is giving her graduating recital this Monday 28 February at 8 pm (Pacific/Vancouver time). Ada, who completed her BMus at UVic in 2020, is presenting an innovative program that spotlights four contemporary Asian composers: Canadian Chinese composer Anlun Huang, Xiaoping Zhang, Korean born German composer Isang Yun and Japanese (based in Paris) female composer Yuko Uebayashi . I invite everyone to attend this exciting concert either in person at our PTY recital hall UVIc School of Music) OR via livestream at https ..read more
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