Dreams Unlocked: What To Do If You Achieve Your Dreams?
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
I feel like a lot of YouTubers need to take a break, figure things out, and then come back with fresh brains ready to rock and roll. That’s what burn out is all about! I don’t think I had burn out. Actually, I haven’t stopped working!! Even though I haven’t been here, I have been constantly creating a totally separate business about how to make videos, and now it’s ready to be released into the wilds of the internet! But, if you’ve followed me a long time, this isn’t news. And if you have followed my Instagram stories, then you know full well that I’ve been hacking away at this since early la ..read more
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What Are The Best Products For Oily Skin?
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
If your bathroom cabinets are anything like mine, then you’re just about swimming in products that claim to stop oily skin. I’m a bit of a skincare junkie, and if I see something that says it will stop me turning into an oil slick by the afternoon, I want to slather my face in it. So after years of trial and error, I’m here to break down the info you actually need when it comes to anti-oil propaganda and products! So let’s cut to the chase – what are the best products for oily skin? The Best Oily Skin Cleanser Ideally, you want to use one that ticks a few key boxes: It has a neutral pH l ..read more
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Banish Acne Scars Mask Review (and discount code!)
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
Banish Acne Scars was started a good few years back, by a YouTuber called Daisy. She was fed up with not only the cycle of acne, but the cycle of ‘professionals’ telling her what to do (does that sound familiar?) She eventually started her company Banish Acne Scars with a small line of derma rollers and Vitamin C serum. She now has a solid suite of products that aim to remove acne scarring, and keep acne at bay! And today, I’m here to review two of those products. Banish Acne Scars Pumpkin Enzyme Mask – 50ml This is the one that made me pleasantly surprised. So, it’s a fresh mask, similar to ..read more
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My Accutane Results After 5 Months Of Treatment
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
Ever since starting Accutane, I’ve been making an effort to keep you updated with my progress on YouTube. My Accutane results after 5 months of treatment surprise me each day. I’d like to give a full review with before and after images once I’ve completed my treatment, but I honestly don’t know when that will be! My dermatologist has told me I can’t stop until I have no spots for the entirety of a box, and judging by the cracker pimples I’ve had over the last couple of weeks, it’s definitely not this one. Many months ago, I wrote a post about going back on Accutane. It was a difficult decisio ..read more
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Acne Update (And Why I’m Going On Accutane… Again)
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
I’m not completely sure what the overlap is like between my YouTube channel and my blog. If you’re following my acne update videos, then a lot of what I’m about to spill here won’t be news. You know how rough it’s been, especially the last month or so. You know my usual chipper personality took a punch to the gut over how severe my acne got. You know I reached the end of the line. Making the decision to go back on Accutane was deeply challenging on multiple levels. But I have to give myself one last chance. It’s been a super weird year with my skin. I’ve had periods where it was perfect (for ..read more
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Blogging VS. Youtube: The Struggle Continues
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
I’M BACK. No, I didn’t stop blogging because it all got a bit too difficult. And I didn’t stop blogging because I got lazy (although, I have been living that potato life today, can’t even lie about that). I took a few weeks off due to going overseas, and while I should have been a bit more proactive and planned ahead, written a bunch of posts and scheduled the lot – I also had to make a choice. Work on my blog, or work on my YouTube? Well friends, take a guess which one won that battle? The thing is, I enjoy both mediums. I love making videos, and I really enjoy writing! I mean, have you seen ..read more
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When you’ve still got acne in your 30’s
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
I thought I’d be over this by now. And to be honest, for a little while, I was. Less than a year ago, my skin might have been scarred but I had absolutely no active acne, and I went outside without makeup on. And not just down to get the mail, I went shopping. Shopping without my mask on. I still felt self-conscious, red, raw, marked for life… but I felt confident enough, brave enough. But it was short lived; my acne returned, and reached a point I felt was even worse than my teenage years. Good God, what the hell is going on?! I’ve battled with this skin I’m in for most of my life now. It’s ..read more
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Testing Long-wearing Makeup On Oily & Acne Prone Skin!
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
Hey crew! It’s time to test some long-wearing makeup! I decided to film a long Get Ready With Me (GRWM) on my glossy, oily, acne prone skin, with some new makeup and lots of chats. But this is a BLOG, not a YouTube video! So now I’ve got a chance to go a bit more “in depth” with my feelings about these products. SPOILER ALERT: don’t waste your money on the concealer! FACE Australis 16 hour StayPut foundation. I posted a full, detailed review of this last week, so there’s no real point being a broken record. In short: it’s cheap ($16.49), it works, give it crack. Crap shade range though ..read more
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How To Be A Festival Camping Pro! (+ Fuji Rock Festival Camping Guide)
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
Festival camping kind of sucks. It’s cramped, it’s noisy, it’s dirty, and if it’s rainy weather then God help you if you’ve pitched under a tree. But there are plenty of things you can do to make your life easier, quieter, and legit fresher. Today, I want to take you through a few of the tips and tricks I’ve learned that will hurl your life out of Fuji Rock festival camping hell, and into some kind of serenity. I’ll break this post up into two parts. The first is a list of festival camping tips. So it doesn’t matter if you’re doing Splendour or Glastonbury, you’re sure to find something usefu ..read more
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Australis STAYPUT! Long Wear Foundation Test & Review (On Oily Skin!)
Jess Bunty
by Jess Bunty
4y ago
Another day, another foundation review! And spoiler alert: it’s another one you’ll probably want to rush out and buy. The Australis STAYPUT! Longwear foundation is pretty bloody awesome in a lot of ways, but as always, there’s a few cons too. But look, more about that later, let’s get stuck into the good stuff! PROS The Australis STAYPUT! foundation has been around for a few years now, and still seems to be fairly popular. Which means you shouldn’t have much trouble finding it at Priceline and elsewhere. Woo hoo! It’s fair priced. I’m not going to say it’s super duper cheap, not like the Esse ..read more
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