Experimental Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour
Experimental Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour. Research approaches include experimental evolution, quantitative genetics, experimental field studies of natural and sexual selection, and phylogenetic comparative methods.
Experimental Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour
3y ago
We have aready discussed how selection can bias variation to be more advantageous, but what are the the requirements for this to happen?
This paper from our colleagues at Southampton models gene regulatory network evolution to address which factors allow the generation of phenotypic variation "tailored" to environmental variation.
10:00 in Darwin's, with fika.
Paper available here
One of the most intriguing questions in evolution is how organisms exhibit suitable pheno- typic variation to rapidly adapt in novel selective environments. Such variability is crucial for evolvability ..read more
Experimental Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour
3y ago
The idea that evolution produces (developmental) genetic architectures that make the effects of mutations biased towards particular phenotypes have come up a few times in recent discussions. Next week we will look a little closer at one of the models that have been used to explore the how and why of this problem.
10.00 in Darwin. Fika and entertainment provided.
You can find the paper here
Epistasis and natural selection shape the mutational architecture of complex traits
Adam G Jones, Reinhard Burger & Stevan Arnold
The evolutionary trajectories of complex traits are constrained ..read more
Experimental Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour
3y ago
For the next week's lab meeting, I would like to use this Drosophila paper as a case, to discuss the evolution of sexual dimorphism in lifespan.
Hope to hear your thoughts over fika!
Photo by Qinyang Li
Manipulation of feeding regime alters sexual dimorphism for lifespan and reduces sexual conflict in Drosophila melanogaster
24.04.2017, 15:58 byElizabeth M. L. DuxburyWayne G. RostantTracey Chapman
Sexual dimorphism for lifespan (SDL) is widespread, but poorly understood. A leading hypothesis, which we test here, is that strong SDL can reduce sexual conflict, b ..read more