Out-of-touch billionaires showing their whole asses to the world
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
13h ago
You’ll never believe why Marc Andreesen and Ben Horowitz are supporting Donald Trump. It has nothing to do with the petty concerns of mere peasants. The podcast itself is an extraordinary performance. At one point, Andreessen concedes that their major problems with President Joe Biden — the ones that led them to support Trump ..read more
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Vivian Wilson strikes back!
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
13h ago
After Elon Musk declared his daughter dead because she was trans, I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It has. Vivian Wilson has delivered an interview that is pure fire. “I think he was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything and I would just let this go unchallenged ..read more
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Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
18h ago
Oh no. I just finished relocating all the baby black widows, and what happens? Another clutch emerges ..read more
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JD Vance probably does love a comfy couch, though
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
18h ago
I think it’s important to check the flow of misinformation. According to the Associated Press, JD Vance did not, I repeat, did not fuck a sofa. This scurrilous accusation does warrant a thorough investigation. The wild assertions sprang from people on X (formerly Twitter) writing that Vance, now the running mate for Republican presidential nominee ..read more
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The problem with kaiju
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
2d ago
I’m sorry, but I’m a cliche. I was lying in bed half asleep last night when my wife came to bed, and I’m fortunate that she didn’t ask what I was thinking. Because my brain was whirling like a hamster in a cage about…kaiju. This past summer, I have watched Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (big meh, Hollywood exploding the whole premise) and Godzilla Minus One (really good), and of course I’ve watched the original King Kong, which is the only one to get even close to handling this problem properly. Here’s the problem: energy defeats flesh. People successfully hunted elephants with sharpened sti ..read more
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This is not a super-villain origin story
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
3d ago
Although it sounds like it, its roots have to be much deeper. Elon Musk sees his children as props that he spends little time with, pumping gametes into his serial wives and throwing money at them, and it’s unsurprising that at least one of them wants nothing to do with him. Musk has disowned Vivian Wilson, his transgender daughter, for betraying him by not being the person he wanted her to be. In a controversial interview with Daily Wire on Monday, the Tesla CEO said that his transgender daughter Vivian, who transitioned in 2022, was killed by the woke-mind virus. I was essentially tricked ..read more
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I told you had to sort spiders today
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
3d ago
..read more
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Built on trillions of refutations of their mythology
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
4d ago
I’ve noted this before, that Ken Ham’s Ark Park is built on a deep, rich bed of Ordovician fossils. Every time a creationist asks where all the fossils we’re supposed to have are, just tell them to use a shovel and rock hammer around the Answers in Genesis cult compound and you’ll find billions and billions of brachiopods and nautiloids and various shelly marine creatures write there. Dr Joel Duff makes the same point — the fake Ark is built on an immense marine graveyard that is hundreds of millions of years old, yet the creationists mostly ignore it. I wonder why ..read more
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I know what I’m doing today
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
4d ago
Busy, busy, busy. The hatching yesterday means that I’m going to spend the morning sorting spiders, on top of the regularly scheduled feeding day. I’ve got a bunch of adults who need crickets, a lot of baby Parasteatoda who need fruit flies, a few score Latrodectus I set aside in new vials yesterday who are going to get their first meal, and another score or two to be extracted this morning, and it’s time to start a new batch of Drosophila. I’m sort of dreading the possibility that another egg sac could start oozing spiderlings any day now. There’s a limit to how many of these spiders I can m ..read more
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So schön…
Free Thought Blogs » Pharyngula
by PZ Myers
4d ago
I finally got away this afternoon to check on the spiders in the lab, and behold…one of the black widow egg sacs has popped! Close-up of a Latrodectus mactans spiderling: At this age, they aren’t noticeably black, more of a reddish orange. I was struggling to isolate the babies. What made it hard is that a) half of them looked up and saw freedom and rushed to disperse into the general environment of the science building, and b) the other half saw danger in that guy with the paintbrush trying to scoop them up and dived down into mama’s dense tangle of silk. I compromised and spent an hour plu ..read more
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