10 warnings that mean it’s time see your dermatologist for acne
by BoYang
3y ago
When is it time to go to the dermatologist for acne? I’m checking out various acne forums and find hidden in the subtext of many posts a common concern. When is it time to go to the dermatologist for acne? Time after time, I see people pouring out their stories, posting pictures, desperate for that one piece of info that will finally fix their acne signs. Many know that they are at a point where seeking a medical professional isn’t merely prudent but necessary. I’ve had many experiences with medical doctors over the years. The good, component ones more than make up for the few bad ones. Acne m ..read more
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Zinc: the acne killer?
by BoYang
3y ago
One thing I like to do after finishing a post is review it for mining of other topics. The last post on body acne was no different. The mineral zinc came up several times in my research. The acne zinc connection was readily apparent. It’s one of those nutrients that’s valuable both externally and internally. It has far reaching health factors and proved not to let me down when I looked into it further. Zinc: what is it? Zinc is an essential trace mineral that is necessary for multiple systemic pathways in the body to function. It plays a role in numerous biochemical reactions of the body’s s ..read more
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How to get rid of body acne slow, steady and fast
by BoYang
3y ago
What is Body Acne? I’m sitting here recovering from a workout and notice a not so friendly visitor on my shoulder. Nowadays, I rarely get body acne but its not 100% cured. Even with my regimen, attention to diet and product usage, it can still pop up from time to time. When it does happen, it usually appears on my back, shoulders or lower neck. An improvement over the past, for sure, but why there? Acne can develop on almost any part of the body. Excess oil production and dead cell turnover rate can cause pore blockage. Acne on the back (bacne), butt (buttne), neck and chest can pose problems ..read more
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5 Tips To Use Today To Stop Beard Acne
by BoYang
3y ago
Beard acne decoded What is Beard Acne? When the beard or the border area becomes inflamed, pimples or hard bumps form. It’s usually caused by an ingrown hair. The ingrown hair is the result of failure to clear clipped hair. These small hair particles can deposit in the follicles and become compacted. This leads to inflammation that can become infected and results in the acne like appearance in the beard. In addition, regular acne can be made worse by the failure to remove the build up of dead skin cells and debris. This debris is a breeding ground for bacteria and other microscopic baddies. Wh ..read more
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Does Medimix make the best acne face wash?
by BoYang
3y ago
The best face wash for acne? Review of Medimix (Ayurvedic) Face wash Ayurvedic skincare and the best over the counter acne treatment It’s safe to say that everyone is looking for the holy grail– the best acne face wash. The one, cheap treatment that eradicates acne in totality, erases all signs of post acne scars, leaving the skin looking like a super model and costs under a few bucks. Oh, and lasts for months with zero side-effects. Maybe I left off a few but that’s the gist. Unfortunately, this isn’t that acne face wash, but I try not to make perfect the enemy of pretty damn good. And this p ..read more
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Finding The Key To Unlocking Hormonal Acne
by BoYang
3y ago
Finding the key to unlocking hormonal acne Hormonal Acne When I’m at a crossroads for anything in life, I order Chinese food and get a fortune cookie. I follow the advice to the letter. It may explain why my life is full of fits, sputters and jumps. Anyways, the same held true with picking the next topic for this blog to cover. The fortune cookie said: “discuss hormonal acne on your blog,” and who am I to disagree with a cookie. This is me right after the Chinese buffet. Of course, thirty minutes later I’m ready to eat again. Go figure. Intro to Hormonal Acne This will be a basic overview of ..read more
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How oil-pulling can help fight acne inflammation
by BoYang
3y ago
Oil pulling acne  Oil-pulling acne review This post will be about oil-pulling acne techniques and how it relates to helping curb inflmmation. Unfortunately, that will involve using Ayurvedic techniques once more. For those of you who may find the vernacular of this post not suited to your tastes or interests, this is the head’s up. For those that read the last post, I’m sure you’re all getting closer to being members of some Justice League or neo-Avengers superhero elite club or maybe at least the anti-villain in the story you’ve written. Kudos. A quick backtrack Now, before I get on trac ..read more
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Scattershooting: Inside Out
by BoYang
3y ago
Acne Meditation The penny and the piece of gum Occasionally, I like to keep things fresh around this website. While its chief purpose is the end of acne, a bit of stray into the realm of humor from time to time is in order. It keeps the stress levels steady and the blood from being angered. With that in mind, I feel called to share a story—a parable really. Back in the day, long before dinosaurs belched sulfur, or arks were being built, I went to school. Vending machines were a staple source of many a student’s diet. Not going lie, I’ve given those glimmering contraptions more than I care to a ..read more
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Can using a tongue scraper improve your acne?
by BoYang
3y ago
Acne home remedies: the tongue scraper To scrape or not to scrape If you’re like Gene Simmons from Kiss, you’ll need a tongue scraper the size of a snow plow to get the job done. When pondering ideas to blog about I’m often fond of reflecting on the simplest, easiest practices that you can do combat the acne scourge. Sometimes simple, means cheap and easy—a creed by which many live their lives. By going after the “low-hanging fruit” of the acne world, we may find solutions present themselves in corners of study we never knew existed. Ayurveda treatment for acne I’m keen at looking across the ..read more
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Does coffee cause acne?
by BoYang
3y ago
The sweet release of coffee Before we can answer the question: does coffee cause acne, we have to take a wide view and look at several angles. We all have routines and rituals that start the day. For some, a cup of coffee is an outright necessity, mandating almost obsequious dependence. The smell, the intoxicating aroma that lures the user in, is worthy of worship. How many times have you bleak, weary eyed souls, staggered out of bed, belly crawled along the floor, seeking reproach from your slumber, in the hopes that a steaming pot is brewing at the end of your miserable journey? Unless you h ..read more
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