Understanding Your Relationship with Your Dog
California Dog Training
by California Dog Training
4y ago
Understanding Your Relationship With Your Dog We believe that the cornerstone of a healthy relationship with your dog is  formed by combining mutual trust, respect and clear-consistent expectations that are beneficial to the dog’s well being. An effective training method will work to establish these qualities with every endeavor.    By Martinique Eimer ..read more
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Obedience Training for Common Behavior Problems Pt 1: The Sit-Stay
California Dog Training
by California Dog Training
4y ago
Obedience Training Solves Common Behavior Problems: The Sit-Stay As  professional dog trainers we know that obedience training solves common behavior problems. Dog owners often have a difficult time understanding how they can use their dog’s obedience training to solve common problems. With a little creative thinking even something as simple as the sit-stay can work wonders in your household. Here are the 3 best ways you can use your sit-stay command to make your life easier!! #1 Door Barging Door barging is a common and dangerous problem that we hear our clients ask about a lot. A dog t ..read more
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