Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
The Penn Heart and Vascular blog provide the latest information on heart disease prevention, nutrition and breakthroughs in cardiovascular care. Penn Medicine is dedicated to high-quality patient care and service, advancing medical science through research, and educating the next generation of leaders in medicine.
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
Arteriosclerosis is one form of heart disease. Explore the different ways arteriosclerosis can appear including coronary artery disease, PAD, and more ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
When it comes to heart disease, having information about your personal risk can help you and your healthcare team prevent these conditions ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
Being heart healthy can prevent a heart attack or stroke by lowering your risk for heart disease. To start you on the right path, there are several risk factors that doctors will tell you to focus on ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
For people with heart failure, medication is an important part of the treatment plan. But the medications themselves can quickly become confusing and overwhelming ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the number one cause of death for men and women in the United States. Still, many people don’t know what it is or its causes ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
Heart failure is a serious health issue, however, by following the guidance of your expert medical team, you can improve your quality of life ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
Doctors often describe the severity of heart failure by how much the patient’s physical activity is limited ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
Minimally-invasive robotic heart surgery offers numerous benefits to patients including quicker recovery and smaller incision making it a popular choice ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
Learn how to recover from heart surgery during COVID-19 by taking a few extra a precautions ..read more
Penn Heart and Vascular Blog
2y ago
Ventricular tachycardia is a type of arrhythmia where your heart beats too fast. Here is what you need to know about ventricular tachycardia treatment ..read more