A Most Sensual Experience of Love
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
1M ago
The Divine Explosion… Looking back over the last few of months, it’s been a time of my sensing how nature comes alive… time and time again. Feeling how death is but a movement from one time & space to another. AND I feel how IAM opening up in the most wondrous ways, feeling alive again after what feels… so long ago! After 33 beautiful years immersing myself in celebration with Tom, I fell deep within myself… again… falling deeper and deeper into a darkness. A space for me to accept, to surrender, and journey into new unknown depths of myself. Everything you can imagine, I have let go of no ..read more
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Focusing on Self-Love…
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
1M ago
Here on the Costa Del Sol, in our NewEarth Community, we are enjoying a warm May and June, the temperature is not too extreme yet… although we are feeling its annual climb! We are still enjoying the more active activities, but know very soon we’ll have to start taking those longer siestas in the afternoon. In our NewEarth Community, we are focusing on prioritising and loving ourselves. Making sure we are giving ourselves the care and nourishment we need to survive and even thrive on this transformative journey. We know that most of us here are feeling the continued onslaught of the incoming h ..read more
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Your Journey of Love
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
2M ago
Love is why you came to Earth, a wonderful playground to experience Love. It is a journey of love, an  opportunity to experience both conditional and unconditional love, the loss and the gain of love. It is the loving focus and attention from loved ones, which can finally bring you to discover and experience the unconditional love or Divine loving presence within yourself. You become aware of your own Divine loving presence or Spirit who resides within you, who is always gently nudging you and navigating you through your life. She uses the means of intuition, knowingness, outer signs and ..read more
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Love Yourself because YOU Matter…
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
3M ago
Love Matters I’ve just returned from enjoying some ‘mummy and daughter me time’ in rainy and cool UK! We have been encouraging each other to embrace all our challenges, no matter what they are. Knowing that our focus on healing our Human body/mind and growing into our Divine light keeps our vibration high, and actually does bring about our happy end and the birth of our dream of NewEarth! But oh boy… you must have patience, and love and trust yourself like no other to get through some of life’s trials we give ourself! Part of Human learning is to unravel and release deep rooted patterns that ..read more
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What Does it Mean to Love Yourself…
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
3M ago
Love Matters One usually begins to question life when we feel less than happy and well, something within nudges us to search for how we can feel better, happier and richer. So we begin our search out there, as we are convinced that all answers lie in the hands of experts, leaders and gurus. We search from one book or method to another… sometimes finding temporary happiness or remission, but actually we continue to float aimlessly through life, being bumped by circumstances to the next bump! I put this down to society telling us since birth, what is best for us and how to live our life by expe ..read more
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The Secret Power of Sound Vibration & Frequency…
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
4M ago
A big warm welcome to all our NewEarth Community members, from a very warm and beautiful Costa del Sol. Spring is most certainly here, as we sense how Nature, the buds, flowers, birds, bees and people are all waking up from a cool winter slumber to enjoy this wonderful temperature and new aliveness. Of course we also sense how life; all over the world continues to break down. Pressure being felt by more and more scarcity, high prices, poisoning of our soil, water, air, food & drink and restrictions on our freedoms, all causing major mental and physical illness and death. However, our grou ..read more
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The Importance of Love in Emotional Healing…
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
4M ago
Welcome to this months newsletter, and the focus of LOVE. No matter what some say about the commercialism of Valentines Day, this day is always a chance to practice shining your light on yourself and inspire you to ask the questions: Am I happy? is there anything I need to do for myself? is there anything I have to change? is there anything I could gift myself with? Not everything has to cost money, we can make ourself & a loved one a special meal at home, go for a long walk in nature, write a love poem or song or give ourself a wish to focus on? We can also make a commitment to focus on ..read more
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Are You Feeling the Spring Excitement…
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
4M ago
  Love Matters For a few weeks now, I have been sensing the excitement of nature as new growth pushes through the old and gives birth to new beautiful life! IAM always amazed to see how new green leaves and buds burrow through the bare trees and plants of winter. Followed by the burst of colour as the flower grows and opens up to seduce local insects, birds, bees and wind to help fertilise its seeds and allow it to produce its offspring of fruit. It is such an intense and exciting time, allowing me to pre-taste the abundance of fruit that I know is coming to nurture me. As well as sens ..read more
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NewEarth Community Newsletter No 26 February 2024
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
5M ago
Welcome to this months newsletter, and the focus of LOVE. No matter what some say about the commercialism of Valentines Day, this day is always a chance to practice shining your light on yourself and inspire you to ask the questions: Am I happy? is there anything I need to do for myself? is there anything I have to change? is there anything I could gift myself with? Not everything has to cost money, we can make ourself & a loved one a special meal at home, go for a long walk in nature, write a love poem or song or give ourself a wish to focus on? We can also make a commitment ..read more
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Your Journey to Love…
Me, My Magnificent Self
by Barbara Franken
5M ago
Love Matters When Tom and I first met back in 1989, we committed to each other to be great friends and lovers who would always put our relationship and family first. We took nothing for granted from each other and were honest and forthright in all our communication. We nurtured each other, our home and family and we grew to be the best versions of ourselves. We truly lived the good life, we celebrated the union of Tom and Barbara every day Of which the celebration of Life and Love continues! It continues because we both allowed ourselves to be absolutely and unconditionally loved, adored and ..read more
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