Canadian Green Tech
Canadian Green Tech is your independent source of informative news articles and analyses of technology advancements, government policy and business moves in the green technology realm.
Canadian Green Tech
4y ago
Moving to a new place and thinking of going wireless? Wireless phone rates have dropped dramatically recently. Here are some tips to help you decide whether to get a wireless telephone.
Why Wireless?
Wireless digital phones come with built-in options such as Caller ID, Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, Three Way Calling and Voice Mail, while local carriers still charge for extra services.
Wireless eliminates long distance fees. Many standard calling plans for digital services eliminate roaming charges and include long distance charges. Check out the various calling plans.
Wireless gives you mobil ..read more
Canadian Green Tech
4y ago
You know that you are better than the competition, but your consumers do not. Imagine that you are standing in a seemingly endless crowd of prospective sellers, yelling louder and louder to attract the attention of a few important consumers. You are! And in order to be heard, you will need to stand out in the crowd. A strong, focused marketing program is the key to drawing in the clientele you want and keeping them. Nathan King Design believes graphic design and corporate identity are the single most important marketing tool your company can use.
What is a Corporate Identity and Why Do I Need ..read more
Canadian Green Tech
4y ago
Concern for Climate Change, Jobs and Other Incentives Spurs Growth
From large solar farms connected to the electricity grid, to stand alone solar powered homes and small businesses, Canada is reaching for the sun as a source of energy.
“The opportunity is great right now for expanding solar energy,” says Elizabeth McDonald, president of the Canadian Solar Industry Association (CanSIA) in a telephone interview. “Concern about global climate change propels the expansion of solar energy and so will the creation of local green jobs.”
McDonald also points to government incentives like the Ontario ..read more
Canadian Green Tech
4y ago
Harness the Sun’s Energy for Household Devices
Products that use solar power are not limited to solar panels anymore. There are many useful items that tap into the sun’s energy and can help cut energy costs.
In this day and age of environmental consciousness, harnessing the sun’s energy is an excellent way to go green while cutting basic energy costs. While installing solar panels on a house is one way to accomplish this, it is also expensive. However, using the sun for power is not limited to putting up panels. Here is a description of solar power, as well as some inexpensive product ideas th ..read more
Canadian Green Tech
4y ago
Oil is Outdated; New Concepts are Coming from Old Philosophies
As the phrase “energy independence” finds its way to everyone’s lips, scientists are revisiting the work of bygone innovators to help develop a greener society.
Biofuel from Corn
Nearly seventy years after Henry Ford built an automobile from plants and fueled it with vegetable oil, America’s quest for energy independence is forcing the re-examination of some of his philosophies. A new bio-economy is beginning to unfold, and fascinating developments are springing from previously tested—and often discarded—technologies.
  ..read more
Canadian Green Tech
4y ago
TransPod, the two-year-old startup constructing a hyperloop system that will be redefining the commercial transportation, has partnered with IKOS to design and develop energy-efficient power supply technology. The company hopes to commercialize the Hyperloop system by 2020.
“Hyperloop transportation will make changes on how we commute, live, and do business, and we would like to introduce these changes worldwide. Adding IKOS‘ extensive experience on our side, we have a unique position for accelerating the development of hyperloop technologies from the leading industries t ..read more
Canadian Green Tech
4y ago
Green Commercial Architecture that Fails Sustainability Test
It takes more than green construction materials to create a sustainable design. Apply three tests to verify the sustainability of green buildings.
Many organizations are joining the rush to be sustainable, using green building materials and eco-design principles for new commercial architecture. A closer look reveals some of this newfound sustainability is only a veneer.
Sustainable Building Design
Sustainable design is more than green architecture. It has three pillars: social, environmental, and economic. Selecting green cons ..read more
Canadian Green Tech
4y ago
BP’s history of environmental disasters suggests the need for stringent monitoring by government agencies.
Jad Mouawad’s article “For BP, a History of Spills and Safety Lapses”, 8 May 2010 in The New York Times highlights the negative side of a ‘well-respected’ oil giant. Mouawad exposes BP’s past, a history fraught with disasters around the world that have cost lives and caused serious damage to the planet’s ecosystem. The oil and gas industry poses significant hazards which players need to take seriously. The ongoing lack of compliance with regulation by BP suggests that ..read more