It’s mid-year. What the heck’s happened to my resolutions?!
Start With You
by Karen Ross
1w ago
If you’re like most humans, you start the year with the best of intentions, and even start off quite well; taking action towards your goals or practising the new work-life balance you want. And it probably went quite well, until March at least (which is when, for many people, one wheel starts to wobble slightly), or until June-ish when winter kicks in (in NZ anyway) and levels of busy-ness at work tend to ramp up and start taking over everything else. Throw in some school holidays and it can turn into a perfect storm! This can leave us looking back at our New Year resolutions and goals fo more
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How to dream big and capture your vision
Start With You
by Karen Ross
2M ago
Would you like a fresh way to capture your vision for your life? Is just thinking about what you want feeling a bit stale, or do you find yourself writing down the same thing that you wrote five years ago and wonder why it’s still a goal, and not actually in your life yet? Do you find yourself ‘settling’ in some areas of your life? Are you tolerating mediocrity in places because it’s easier, cheaper or seems to be all you should expect? It’s been said that you don’t always get exactly what you want, but you do get what you’re willing to tolerate. (This is why people start treating you differen more
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Are you taking time for your own evolution?
Start With You
by Karen Ross
3M ago
One of the shifts many of my clients make over the course of working with me is they get used to taking more time for their growth journey and just being with themselves. While it might not be something you’re much in the habit of, it’s an important part of being a healthy individual with good self-awareness, and a finger on your own pulse. Being a bit of a long-time seeker, I’ve journalled and read about personal growth and spirituality for 30 years, but around my mid 30’s I began shepherding myself more intentionally, and cultivating more nourishing time with myself. It was in short bursts o more
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A map for our personal growth journey
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by Karen Ross
4M ago
The last 17 years of coaching and healing have had me working across a range of areas from workplace stress and leadership, to phobias to trauma and many things in-between. Helping people to escape the stress cycle and build resilience has been a big theme, I guess because we live in an era of stress. Interestingly though, as time has gone on, many of those resilience clients have gone through a metamorphosis. They’ve gone from major stress bunnies, some even in burnout, to balanced and aware humans making a difference in their workplace and families. They’ve become increasingly curious about more
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My deep passion for creating Foundational Wellbeing
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by Karen Ross
5M ago
Ever since I was a teenager I’ve been interested in health. I remember reading bits of Fit for Life back in the 80’s when my dad bought the book and we learned about fast and slow digesting foods. He’s still hard core about eating all of his salad and vegetables before he eats his meat/protein. On the back of many health challenges over the last ten years, and 17 years of client work as a coach and intuitive healer, I’ve become hugely passionate about what I call ‘Foundational Wellbeing’. To me that means being well and flourishing at a fundamental level – and not just physically but also emo more
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A very personal message – the call to let my light out
Start With You
by Karen Ross
5M ago
My work has evolved a lot over the years and even more so recently. Many of my current clients are aware of this as they’ve also been stepping into deeper healing within themselves but it’s time to share more widely what this looks like now. I am very happy and excited to be sharing this update with you! I’ve had a rather fulsome personal journey in recent years, on the back of various health challenges that I will probably elaborate on another time, life has been very much about work (clients) and health and not much else. Last year I consciously decided to claim more time and energy for my more
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Summer Book Reviews – She’s on the Money
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by Karen Ross
6M ago
She’s on the Money By Victoria Devine There are some really great books out there about money mindset and it’s probably one of the hottest topics on self-help shelves and in the world of personal development right now. I think so many of us were raised with either poor examples of money beliefs and money management, or we witnessed very mixed and confusing behaviour in the financial activities of our families, or we’ve been unhelpfully influenced by various people and experiences over our lifetime so far. Or all of the above! Having helpful and healthy perspectives and beliefs about money is f more
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This is your journey, not mine
Start With You
by Karen Ross
9M ago
You probably know this already, but this is your journey, not mine. I remind clients of this quite often but I’ve also had to remind myself of it at numerous times over the years too as I’ve navigated my way through coaching or healing programmes with my own mentors. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of obligation and people-pleasing even in a coaching relationship (after all, it’s often mirroring what we do in other parts of our life too). This can mean we end up doing things or making decisions that we think our coach wants us to make or that we should be doing for x reason. I’m a recoverin more
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How much do you trust yourself? Here’s my take on it …
Start With You
by Karen Ross
10M ago
Recently I reached a personal milestone when I realised, I’m now at a point where I trust myself. I have innate trust in myself to do life and to be okay no matter what. This was during a session with a fellow business coach friend of mine, Geoff, and as he held space for me I found myself recognising this new level of trust that had settled within me in recent months. I hadn’t quite clocked it fully until that moment (this is the power of taking time for ourselves, of ‘taking up space’ and really being with what’s there!). I realised that I can count on myself – to make decisions, handle what more
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Personal and professional growth sometimes takes a lot of blimmin’ courage
Start With You
by Karen Ross
1y ago
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about courage and transformation… When it comes to both personal and professional development, I notice some people can be quite afraid of what they’re going to find out about themselves, of what they may have to confront. Or they’re afraid of dealing with tough emotions that are lurking but have been conveniently left tucked away for some time – especially when over time it can start to feel like it’s a lot bigger than it actually is. What I‘ve found through my own experience over and over again though is that everything you discover is good news.  It’s al more
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