ABI Office Furniture Blog
ABI Office Furniture is a locally owned family business started by Darles and Ralph Wlde in 1996. Best Cubicles, Ergonomic San Diego Office Chairs, Office Desks San Diego, new and refurbished Cheap Office Furniture.
ABI Office Furniture Blog
4y ago
ABI Office Furniture has 4 brand new desks that we are selling as showroom closeouts at huge discounts. These desks can be picked up from our San Diego showroom or we can quote you for a local delivery in San Diego County.
The first office desks San Diego is a brand new Hon "Foundation" 36" x 72" desk with locking box/file drawer pedestals on either side, in pinnacle laminate. The list price on the desk is $848 and we usually sell it discounted at $507. One only available for only $199.
We also have the same 36" x 72" Hon Foundation desk only with a 24" x 48 ..read more
ABI Office Furniture Blog
4y ago
ABI Office Furniture Blog
4y ago
For Small Offices, a Little Thought Goes a Long Way Posted on: 8.27.18
When planning for your small office, the two most important considerations are thoughtful design and smart organization. Here are a few tips on both.
Give Your Small Space Big Personality
Just because your office is small doesn’t mean it should be a shrinking violet. Bold design choices may seem like an odd choice when you don’t have a lot of square footage, but standout accents can paradoxically open up a small space. Here are a few ideas:
1. Bold Color
Every inch counts in a small office. Adding some visual energy to you ..read more
ABI Office Furniture Blog
4y ago
ABI Office Furniture Blog
4y ago
This’ll only take a minute...
It’s a fact of modern office life, especially if you are in an open office—interruptions. Whether it’s from people or the incessant notifications from your various devices, there are multiple interactions vying for your attention at any one time. So, how do you handle it? Could you be handling it better?
A. Emails, emails, and more emails
How often do you check yours?:
1. Every time I’m pinged
2. Every time I’m pinged
3. I set aside a few dedicated times a day to check and answer email
B. Drop-ins
You’re deep in a project. You’re finding your groove and it’s all ..read more
ABI Office Furniture Blog
4y ago
How Fun at Work Can Make
You Smarter
The word has been getting out—having fun at work has been linked to increases in productivity, higher job satisfaction, reduced stress and enhanced motivation. But did you know it can also make employees smarter?
Fun Leads to More Effective Learning
“Informal learning” is the way employees pick up new skills outside of structured and classroom forms of learning. It’s what takes place when employees pick up new skills and knowledge from their co-workers, or when they are learning new things independently at their desk. A recent study has discovere ..read more