Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
Recognizing the pathological behaviors of the narcissistic personality.
Author Zari Ballard blogs about narcissism in relationships, the behaviors/agenda of the narcissistic partner, & how victims can fully recover from the abuse.
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1M ago
Narcissists love to press the Great Relationship Reset Button. In pressing this imaginary button, the narcissist gets to waltz back into the relationship without any repercussions or consequences and just pick up from the point they left off. During the course of our time with the narc, we actually become used to this reset and […]
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Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
8M ago
Like any high school Baby Boomer in the late 70’s, I would have associated the term ‘narcissism’ with self-absorption and conceit…albeit on a very non-threatening level. In fact, the term “narcissist” was never used at all. While roaming hallways, we may have referred to certain people as being “conceited” or “vain” but only in hushed […]
The post Modern Day Narcissism & the Evolution of Evil first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1y ago
When we love someone with a narcissistic personality, there’s a whole lot of head-scratching going on behind the scenes. What IS it about this person that is so…well…”off”? Forget about “good” behavior, why doesn’t he or she behave “badly” in a “normal” way like every other person or partner we’ve known? And why on earth […]
The post Narcissism at Its Core Is the Inability to Attach first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1y ago
A narcissist is not “fixable” because he or she is hardwired completely differently from the regular folks. Narcissists, no matter what we say, no matter how logical we make our argument, no matter what evidence that we present, will never cop to the fact that they need to be fixed. The narcissistic brain just doesn’t […]
The post Can a Narcissist be Fixed or Cured? first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1y ago
Like a good portion of the Baby Boomer population, I grew up with the understanding that that the word ‘narcissistic’ described someone who was ‘conceited’…a person, male or female, who not only obsessed over personal appearance but gleefully wallowed in it…a lover of mirrors, a groomer. If only it were that simple. Clearly, in just the […]
The post What Exactly IS a Narcissist Anyway? first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1y ago
Breaking up with a narcissist is never easy but, with the right intention and the willingness to let a few things go, it certainly can be done. The good news is that the “rules” of breaking up with a narcissist are completely different than the rules that apply to even the most dysfunctional of “normal” […]
The post Breaking Up With a Narcissist: It’s Easier Than You Think first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1y ago
Is there a connection between Aphantasia and the narcissistic personality? There could be! When we’re involved with narcissists, much of our time is spent pondering the how, why and ‘how could’ of the narcissist we’re dealing with. We want to figure it all out and then we want to fix it even if we lose a […]
The post APHANTASIA & the Narcissistic Personality: Is there a connection?? first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1y ago
How on earth did narcissists and sociopaths ever pander their diabolical wares before the invention of cell phones, Facebook, and other forms of social media? For those of us who’s relationship with a narcissist dates back, say, 13+ years, I think it’s safe to say that narcissists back then, sans the gadgets, were much tamer, […]
The post Narcissists, Cell Phones, & My FB Revenge Confession first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1y ago
Even though a narcissist is a pathological liar, there are times where he/she offers truth amongst the lies. We can use the ploy of projection to our advantage! As victims, can actually get to that truth – if we would only listen. Yup, that’s right, if we really pay attention to the narcissist’s word garbage […]
The post How to Read a Narcissist (& Turn the Projection Ploy to Your Advantage) first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more
Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda
1y ago
I’ve determined that “narcspeak”…that word garbage, mind-control style manner in which a narcissist uses words to manipulate and control others…is nothing more than a base model version of Neural Linguistic Programming or NLP, a marketing science developed in the 70’s that uses words and body language to influence people into thinking a very specific way. […]
The post “Narcspeak” IS Neural Linguistic Programing (NLP) first appeared on Narcissistic Partners & the Relationship Agenda more