10 Interview Questions to Evaluate if a Company Is *Really* Inclusive
by Emily Moore
5y ago
Ask any company whether they’re diverse and inclusive, and they’re probably going to tell you “yes.” After all, not many hiring managers would want to admit that they have trouble recruiting or retaining members of diverse backgrounds. If you take that answer at face value, you run the risk of joining a company that talks a big game, but ultimately fails to take action. And in a worst-case scenario, this results in anyone from a non-traditional background feeling isolated and uncomfortable at work. But you don’t have to wait until you’ve accepted a position to figure out whether or not a compa ..read more
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How To Ace Your Virtual Interview
by Dominique Fluker
5y ago
In efforts to limit the spread of the COVID-19, many companies have adapted to remote work by leveraging video systems like Zoom to connect virtually with their employees. Employers, who are still actively hiring, like Instacart, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, are opting for virtual interactions to take the place of in-person job interviews. This shift in the career marketplace has changed the way we conduct our professional lives and hiring processes. So what’s a virtual interview? If you’ve never experienced a virtual interview before, a virtual interview is an interview that takes place rem ..read more
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How to Sell Yourself in a Video Interview, According to a Remote Worker
by Kanika Tolver
5y ago
As an Information Technology professional for the last 14 years, I have discovered a passion for applying to 100% remote jobs. Most of these remote-friendly companies are not in my local Washington D.C. area. Therefore, the entire interview process is done via video using Skype, Google hangout or Zoom. Even companies in my local area have decided to utilize video technologies to pre-screen employees before they request a face-to-face interview. The gift and curse of conducting interviews via video conferencing are that you don’t have to get all dressed up, but you have to sell your personality ..read more
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How to Deal With a Hostile Interviewer
by Stacy Pollack
5y ago
Other than throwing a few curve balls to see how you react, most hiring managers and interviewers are quite pleasant throughout the interview process. Every now and then, however, you may encounter someone who’s rude, aggressive or downright mean — which means you’re forced to find a cordial way to respond in the moment. Instead of letting this catch you off-guard, prepare for this potential situation, just as you would every other aspect of the interview. Keep these tips in mind as you head into your next interview, and you’ll be ready to ace it no matter what happens. Keep Cool, Calm & C ..read more
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4 Ways to Salvage an Interview Gone Wrong
by Emily Moore
5y ago
Your stomach drops to the floor. Your palms get sweaty. You begin to ramble incoherently, or worse, can’t come up with anything to say at all. Almost all of us know the feeling of making a big mistake during an interview. Great. There goes that opportunity, you might think. Don’t be tempted to wave the white flag of surrender just yet, though. Everyone stumbles in interviews once in a while — the trick is to handle it well, so that your interviewer is able to look past it. Below, we’ve outlined four common examples of interview flubs and how to deal with them. Use these strategies, and you jus ..read more
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The 3 Interview Questions Job Seekers Struggle With the Most
by Emily Moore
5y ago
There’s no doubt about it — interviews are tough. With so much on the line, job seekers often psych themselves out or majorly overthink things, resulting in a sub-par performance. The good news, though, is that this is largely avoidable. If you can thoroughly practice beforehand, you’ll be able to get the jitters out, refine your responses and identify the key points you want to mention. With so many different questions asked in interviews, though, you can’t realistically rehearse all of them. So where should you focus your efforts? We chatted with Candace Bracher, a Recruiting Manager for the ..read more
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How to Broach the Topic of Remote Work During a Job Interview
by Maurie Backman, The Motley Fool
6y ago
When it comes to job interviews, there are certain actions you want to avoid. For example, it’s usually a bad idea to bring up salary during an interview unless you’re specifically asked to share your thoughts on the matter. Similarly, you’ll want to avoid badmouthing your former (or current) employer during an interview, as doing so will make you look petty and unprofessional. The topic of working remotely, however, is more of a gray area. These days, a growing number of companies are embracing the notion of telecommuting in an attempt to offer workers more flexibility. And if you’re looking ..read more
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Ask the Interview Coach: What to Say in a Phone Interview to Score an In-Person
by Jeevan Balani
6y ago
Companies are increasingly choosing to use a phone interview at the early stages of screening candidates, before inviting them on-site for in-person interviews. This is a way to efficiently screen through large candidate pools, as the average job has over 250 applicants. Moreover, the phone screen is typically conducted by recruiters, many of whom may be remote so the phone-screen is a good medium to tap into remote talent and reduce the recruiting overhead for the hiring manager. What the Interviewer Is Looking for The recruiter has three main goals for a phone interview: 1. Confirm Interest ..read more
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How to Get a Job as a Data Scientist
by Amy Elisa Jackson
6y ago
It’s the job the Harvard Business Review has called “the sexiest job of the 21st century”. Is it modeling? Pro sports? Nope. It’s data science. Over the past decade, as the tech world has seen advances in big data, machine learning, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, opportunities for data scientists have blossomed. In addition, their compensation has blossomed as companies increasingly demand data scientists. How do you become a data scientist, and how do you get hired? Here we break down the basics for you ..read more
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