Employee Burnout Trends: HR Strategies for Burnt Out Employees
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
by Jessica McBride
2M ago
The implications of employee burnout are key for organizational leaders to understand in the modern workplace. The World Health Organization has spotlighted burnout not as a medical condition but as a critical consequence of unmanaged workplace stress. Our leader researcher, Shane McFeely, unveils in our latest research that burnout is not merely disengagement, but a precursor to it. It stems from relentless demands, scarce resources, and inadequate employee recognition—factors that can sideline even the most committed employees ..read more
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Mastering Performance Reviews: HR Leader Tips
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
3M ago
The employee performance review has received a lot of criticism in recent years. Traditional performance appraisal processes have caused headaches for HR, managers, and employees alike. And most importantly, they have failed to serve their intended purpose—driving employee growth and development ..read more
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Essential Performance Review Questions for Managers
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
3M ago
Performance reviews often get a bad rap. They're seen as the corporate version of a report card, and nobody loves report cards, right? But when done right, performance reviews can have a positive impact on retention, engagement, productivity, and morale. They're the cornerstone of your performance management program. Imagine transforming the dread of reviews into anticipation, where managers and employees alike are jazzed about the insights they'll gain. This isn't about dredging up the past year's misdemeanors; it’s about sparking a conversation that propels forward momentum and allows for t ..read more
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Performance Review Templates for HR
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
3M ago
Performance reviews are a key step in the employee evaluation process. They provide a valuable opportunity for managers and employees to: assess performance set goals provide feedback discuss growth & development opportunities But without a proper framework, performance reviews can become bureaucratic, ineffective, and disengaging. That's where performance review templates come in. Using performance review templates, organizations can streamline the employee review process. HR leaders can ensure consistency and help managers create a constructive feedback culture that supports employee ..read more
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Performance Review Examples, Comments, Phrases
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
3M ago
The performance review is a cornerstone of an effective performance management program. It's an opportunity to reflect, summarize, and plan for what's next. When done well, performance reviews help employees feel valued and motivated to improve ..read more
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Mastering Effective Performance Reviews for Employee Success
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
3M ago
Performance reviews have earned a bad reputation in the past decade. They're often criticized for being stress-inducing, bureaucratic, and disconnected from the realities of the workplace. Despite these critiques, performance reviews can be a valuable tool, when wielded properly ..read more
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AI in HR | Quantum Workplace x AI
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
4M ago
  Hi ? I'm Phil Haussler, Chief Product Officer at Quantum Workplace.   Artificial intelligence has been dominating headlines for the past year. And for human resource pros, AI is driving both headway and headaches.  On one hand, chronically understaffed HR teams are using AI to automate their workflows and scale their impact. But just talk to anyone who has posted a job recently and you’ll likely hear how many candidates are using ChatGPT (poorly) to apply. Humans and human relationships are messy. So working in HR tends to rewire your brain toward the way things can (and oft ..read more
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Your Ultimate Guide to the Employee Engagement Survey
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
7M ago
Understanding employee feedback is crucial to driving employee engagement, and a powerful way to gain this understanding is through employee engagement surveys. These surveys serve as more than just feedback tools – they are a vital resource for identifying key business challenges and opportunities.  ..read more
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How to Calculate the ROI of Employee Engagement
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
10M ago
HR leaders are at a pivotal crossroads. They have the skills and potential to drive business and financial impact—yet this critical aspect often takes a back seat. Instead, the HR function becomes entangled in repetitive administrative processes that hinder their capacity to both articulate and maximize the strategic impact of employee success initiatives like engagement, performance, retention, and culture. The benefits of investing in employee engagement are clear: improved employee productivity, better customer service, increased safety, higher retention, and more. But how do we improve em ..read more
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How to Analyze Open-Ended Responses from Employee Survey Comments with Text Analytics
Quantum Workplace » Future of Work
11M ago
The quest to understand and improve employee engagement is a top priority for HR leaders and managers alike. Employee engagement surveys have become a must-have tool to help organizations understand employee perceptions and make better business decisions.   But there is one notoriously difficult component of understanding employee feedback at scale: open-ended survey responses.  Open-ended responses (employee survey comments) are essential in understanding the nuances of employee sentiment and identifying reasons for engagement gaps. While quantitative data gives you an object ..read more
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