Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine is a new online publication that focuses on helping L&D departments do things differently and do different things in order to provide an effective service for today’s workforce. The articles will build a body of knowledge, experience and know-how for enabling and supporting learning in the modern workplace.
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
Join our new MWL Daily Telegram channel for daily curated posts and articles about learning in the modern workplace ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
Next public workshop: 24 May – 18 June 2021 Although L&D departments have traditionally focused on training people to do their jobs, research tells us that most of what employees learn at work happens as they do their job – it’s just that they are not aware of it or make the most of it. So ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
How modern is your organisation’s approach to workplace learning? In this final survey of this section we ask you which of the activities described on the Roles & Responsibilities page you have already implemented, are planning on implementing, or are not yet planning to implement. You can use this survey to benchmark your organisation’s L&D activities ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
How FREQUENTLY do you learn from each of the 4 D’s of Learning? Please take the survey below which asks how frequently YOU learn from these 14 specified ways? Some examples are provided underneath each of the radio buttons ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
Here is my presentation from EduTECH 2020 Virtual Conference ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
Social learning is not a new training trend; it’s the way we have always learned from one another. However, it is something that managers and individual will need to understand and value and recognise as an integral part of their daily work. In this workshop we will look at how to work with both managers ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
Want to find out more? See Modern Workplace Learning 2020 ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
The Top Tools for Learning 2020 survey took place at an unprecedented time following a period of lockdown where remote working was the norm, so the lists provide a unique look into how learning is being enabled and supported in these difficult times. In my analysis I provided some observations and brief thoughts on what this ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
The Top Tools for Learning 2020 survey took place at an unprecedented time following a period of lockdown where remote working was the norm, so the lists provide a unique look into how learning is being enabled and supported in these difficult times. In my analysis I provided some observations and brief thoughts on what this ..read more
Modern Workplace Learning Magazine
4y ago
The survey took place at an unprecedented time following a period of lockdown where remote working and remote education was the norm, so the list(s) provide a unique look into how learning is being enabled and supported in these times. Here are my observations on this year’s list(s) together with some infographics that visualise the […]
The post Analysis of the Top Tools for Learning 2020 appeared first on Modern Workplace Learning 2020 [Magazine ..read more