Effects of Tibial Varum and Rearfoot Varus on Foot Function
Podiatry Arena
by admin
2d ago
I am grateful to Kevin Kirby and Precision Intricast for permission to reproduce this November 1998 Newsletter (you can buy the 2 books off newsletters off Precision Intricast): EFFECTS OF TIBIAL VARUM AND REARFOOT VARUS ON FOOT FUNCTION​ Tibial varum is a very common structural deformity of the leg. Tibial varum deformity has been... Effects of Tibial Varum and Rearfoot Varus on Foot Function ..read more
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Can toe curls weaken feet ?
Podiatry Arena
by scotfoot
2d ago
Are toe curls primarly an intrinsic or extrinsic foot muscle exercise and why does it matter? Research shows that toe curls activate primarily the long toe flexor muscles, flexor digitorum longus and hallucis longus, whilst another recent study found that, in the group studied ,extrinsic foot muscle exercise conducted before intrinsic exercise resulted in reduced intrinsic muscle size.... Can toe curls weaken feet ..read more
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Billing E/M visit with nail debridement
Podiatry Arena
by Pletzygirl
3d ago
I don’t believe this is allowed per medicare part b, but do they deny both codes ex. 99213 25 & 11721? Or allow 1 code? 11721? If documentation present ..read more
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Claw toes in hemiplegic patients after stroke
Podiatry Arena
by NewsBot
4d ago
Claw toes in hemiplegic patients after stroke. Laurent G, Valentini F, Loiseau K, Hennebelle D, Robain G. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2010 Jan 13. [Epub ahead of print] OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of claw toes and its correlation to other lower limb disorders as well as the... Click to expand... Claw toes in hemiplegic patients after stroke ..read more
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1/8" Hammertoe Corn Pads, 100 Pad Pack
Podiatry Arena
by terigreen
1w ago
Corn Pads, 100 Pack Medical Grade Hammertoe Stick On Foot Corn Pads: Same medical quality corn pads as dispensed from Doctor's Offices. 100 bulk corn pads per pack. 3 mm (1/8 inch) thick corn pads. 1 1/4" X 3/4" Choose foam or felt. These toe corn pads are made to protect hammertoes, corns, and... 1/8" Hammertoe Corn Pads, 100 Pad Pack ..read more
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1/8" Reusable Gel Metatarsal Pads
Podiatry Arena
by terigreen
1w ago
Re Usable, Self Sticking Gel Metatarsal Pad, 2 Pads Metatarsal Pads, 1/8" (3 mm) or 1/4" (6mm) thick. 2 reusable, self sticking medical gel foot pads. Just was them and they regain their sticking surface. Treat: Metatarsalgia Sesamoiditis Morton's Neuroma Foot Callus Hallus Limitus First... 1/8" Reusable Gel Metatarsal Pads ..read more
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1/8" Reusable Gel Dancer's Sesamoid Pads
Podiatry Arena
by terigreen
1w ago
Re Usable, Self Sticking Gel Dancer's Pad, 2 Pads Dancer's (Sesamoid) Pads, 1/8" (3 mm) thick. 2 reusable, self sticking medical foot pads. Our Sesamoiditis Pads can be reused 100's of times, just wash them. Dancer's (Sesamoid) Pads Treat: Sesamoiditis Foot Callus Hallus Limitus... 1/8" Reusable Gel Dancer's Sesamoid Pads ..read more
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Morton's Neuroma Off Loaded With Metatarsal Foot Pads
Podiatry Arena
by terigreen
1w ago
A Morton's neuroma is a pinched nerve in the ball of the foot. It occurs especially in woman who wear high heels or tight shoes. Metatarsal foot cushions can relieve the pain and treat Morton's Neuroma. The nerve involved is in between the third and fourth metatarsal bones. Where the nerve splits to go into the third and fourth digits is where the nerve get pinched between the bones.... Morton's Neuroma Off Loaded With Metatarsal Foot Pads ..read more
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Why are stiff-soled boots preferred when hiking with heavy pack load?
Podiatry Arena
by Asher
1w ago
Hi everyone, I was talking to a hiker recently who also works in retail fitting trail shoes and hiking boots. He mentioned that his customers and he himself find stiff-soled boots more comfortable than those with flexibility at the forefoot when hiking with heavy pack loads. I had a look at the boots and I couldn't bend them at all at the forefoot, they were rock solid. There was a... Why are stiff-soled boots preferred when hiking with heavy pack load ..read more
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Indications of Steel Insoles- Full Steel Stabilizer Rigid Plates
Podiatry Arena
by terigreen
1w ago
Indications of the Spring Steel Insoles- Full Steel Stabilizer Plates - Problems requiring a rigid footbed - Turf Toe - Hallux Limitus / Hallux Rigidus - Forefoot Pain - Metatarsalgia - Cuboid Syndrome - Freiburg's Infraction - Bunionectomy post-op - Foot Stability Post-op - Shin Splints... Indications of Steel Insoles- Full Steel Stabilizer Rigid Plates ..read more
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