Heads Together for enhanced brain injury support
Social work with adults
by Michael Clark
2M ago
"Brain injury is the leading cause of disability and death for people aged 0-40 in the UK, with an estimated hospital admission rate of one person with a brain injury every 90 seconds, and a cost to the country of £15 billion." [Image created by freepik.com] Plugging the gap between knowledge and need People living with traumatic brain injuries can have many long-term needs. These may manifest in obvious ways, such as clear disabilities, but often they need more exploration to identify and examine the full extent of their impacts. This includes chronic fatigue and memory problems. Problems w ..read more
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Collaboration spurs mental health social care research
Social work with adults
by Michael Clark
2M ago
"Most people would agree maintaining social connection is important to living better lives." [Image created by freepik.com] Losing connection Support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers, is often overlooked, meaning the ‘social’ in social care is sometimes forgotten. People experiencing mental health problems often say things like better housing, employment, enough money, more friends, and close relationships would make a positive difference in their lives. Most people would agree maintaining social connection is important to living better lives. Balanced, high ..read more
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Promoting the vote is social work in action
Social work with adults
by Elaine James
4M ago
"[Our] values and ethics place people’s rights to autonomy and self-determination at the heart of social work practice." [Image created by freepik.com] Voting rights are human rights Barring exceptional and unexpected events, there will be a parliamentary election in the UK this year. In the BASW Annual Survey of Social Workers and Social Work, 68% of social workers felt they had a role to play in promoting voting, but only 19% had supported someone to do so. To support our colleagues to promote people’s right to register and vote in elections, BASW, Learning Disability England, the National ..read more
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World Social Work Day: lived experience informs the very best social work
Social work with adults
by Jak Savage MBE
4M ago
Jason Brandon, Office of the Chief Social Worker for Adults: It’s National Social Work Week, one of the most important events in the social work calendar. We are also pleased to celebrate World Social Work Day, which brings people together to learn, connect, and raise awareness of the breadth, value and benefits of modern, progressive social work. This year's theme focuses on social workers' capacity to adopt innovative and community-led approaches. To mark the day, I’m delighted to present this blog from Jak Savage MBE, social care consultant and individual employer of personal assistants (P ..read more
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Moving Social Work: it means what it says!
Social work with adults
by Professor Brett Smith
5M ago
"Moving Social Work focuses on increasing physical activity [opportunities for disabled people] and the benefits this generates for mind and body..." [Image created by freepik.com] Equality of opportunity Modern social work is many things, but one of its central tenets involves the belief that everyone should have access to the same opportunities to live full, active, healthy lives, regardless of circumstance and background. In this spirit, the Moving Social Work (MSW) programme aims to harness the skills and values of social workers to support the health, wellbeing and human rights of peopl ..read more
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So long and thanks...
Social work with adults
by Lyn Romeo
6M ago
Lyn, enjoying the stunning vistas of her home country, Australia, on an earlier trip. ...for all the amazing adult social work This is my farewell post before I step down as Chief Social Worker for Adults. It was a privilege and an honour to take on this role over 10 years ago, the first of its kind in England. I am so very grateful for all the support I have received from so many people in the sector, especially those who draw on care and support and those who care for them. And of course, I must thank and praise the many wonderful social workers, social care and NHS colleagues who, day in ..read more
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Citizenship: community, equality and liberty
Social work with adults
by Simon Duffy
6M ago
Lyn Romeo: I am delighted to have as guest blogger this week, Simon Duffy, who has made a significant contribution to work on self-directed support, personal budgets and really putting people in control at the heart of social care. Citizenship and inclusion are the cornerstones of social work. However, making sure we are working with people with learning disabilities to achieve these outcomes is imperative. Thanks to Simon and his friend and colleague with learning disabilities, Wendy, for the rich resource they have created to support social workers. Their work helps us to focus relentlessly ..read more
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Social work with adults
by Lyn Romeo
7M ago
It's been an eventful year for adult social work. Lyn Romeo takes you through the highlights [Image created by freepik.com] Unified in helping others As the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the journey we have undertaken together over the last year. We have continued to relentlessly seek improvement in the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, friends and carers. We have done this in collaboration with our colleagues in the social care workforce who, together with us, work alongside people and communities to enable them to lead the best possible lives. We have bene ..read more
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A glass half full: my adult social work journey
Social work with adults
by Donna Sharkey
8M ago
Lyn Romeo: Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care and I recently visited Salford to hear about the way social care colleagues work with the council, the NHS, providers and voluntary and community sector partners. As part of that day, we heard about their approach to recruitment and retention and building the capacity and capability of their workforce across all sectors. I was delighted to hear from one of the social workers, Donna Sharkey, about her career journey into social work and she has kindly provided her reflections in this great blog. Donna's social work career path may ..read more
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Black History Month: reflections on allyship
Social work with adults
by Shantel Thomas
9M ago
Lyn Romeo: October is an important month as it marks World Mental Health Day and Black History Month. These two important themes were explored at a brilliant webinar on anti -racist perspectives and the Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) role: ‘taking professional responsibility to address racism in practice’, chaired by Jason Brandon, Mental Health Social Work lead in the Chief Social Worker for Adults' office, in partnership with the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) England. Shantel Thomas and Neil Sanyal, share their reflections on allyship and what it means for all of ..read more
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