Lauren Holden Blog
Welcome to the blog here at Lauren Holden Freelance. With well over 14 years of experience creating engaging, well-thought-out copy both on and offline - in brochures, on banners and flyers, e-shots, websites, and a whole lot more, I'll help you stand out online.
Lauren Holden Blog
1y ago
Stumbled upon my site because you want to know the answer to the question: ‘what is a blog copywriter?’
We freelance copywriters often forget that Joe Public isn’t forced to know all the things we bat on about day in, day out. To understand what a blog copywriter does, we must first look at what a blog is. Read on…
…but first, what is a blog?
A blog is either a full website or web page. It is generally written in a chatty tone (often chattier than the rest of the content on the website in question) and it’s a great place for the blog’s owner - be that the MD of a company, a marketing professio ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
1y ago
I can’t quite believe it either, but next year will be my tenth year in business.
TEN Whole Years as a Yorkshire Copywriter…Almost
As of mid-July though, I’ve been at it for nine years, which I think is achievement enough. When I set out as a copywriter in Yorkshire back in 2014, I didn’t expect to still be ticking along nicely. In fact, I’ve been more than ticking along*; I’ve worked for hundreds of clients - including household names like the NHS and Boots, to smaller, one-man bands and brands.
*Although I realise that sounds like bragging, I’m just glad to be doing what I love daily).
So, i ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
1y ago
This blog post is brought to you by this raspberry and lemon tart.
Why? Upon perusing the cake counter at Saino’s recently, a very insistent old lady told me these tarts are to die for.
I didn’t even want one, but I put it in my basket anyway. Well, because:
1. I felt obliged to (in a terribly and awkwardly British way)
2. She really was bigging the tart up.
Moral of the story? When it comes to marketing, recommendations are the most powerful tool out there. They give instant credibility, backing up all the good things you say about yourself in your website’s ‘About Us’ page. After all, we ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
1y ago
Eh…what? “I’ve seen it all now; why is a professional copywriter telling me to write my own content?!”
Well, I pride myself on my honesty and I won’t let you spend your money if…
You’re Already Doing a Great Job
Have a penchant for words - and putting them together in an entertaining and informative way?
Is your website already gaining enough traction? Or perhaps your social media posts never fail to take off, regardless of the fact you haven’t used the services of a freelance copywriter.
Lovely jubbly, if any of the above apply to you.
In your case, a copywriter can help if you’re short of t ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
2y ago
Want to know how to write better - and more engaging - content for your website?
If you’re a small or medium-sized business with a copywriting query or two, get in touch.
Want to know the best way to:
* Write your website's 'About Us' page
* Put together a case study
* Sell your services
* Come up with blog post ideas
* Craft an e-newsletter...
...or anything else, for that matter?
Send me your queries (here via my website Copywriter in West Yorkshire - Lauren Holden or over on Instagram) - and in my new 'Copy Doc*' series, I'll answer them here on LinkedIn. You can be anonymous too, if y ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
2y ago
When is it okay to use something more than once before it’s time for a refresh?
Socks? Depends
Undergarments? Absolutely not, mate. No, not even if you turn them inside-out
Content? Give it a good shake, do the hokey cokey and turn it around…and use it again and again and again. Why? The question is: ‘why ever not?!’
For many - us folks who write for a living included - it takes time to put together a nice piece of content - and guess what? People’s attention spans ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
2y ago
Sometimes, when I’m talking to new - or even regular clients - I find myself unintentionally teaching them how to suck eggs. Of course, some of my clients are well-versed in all things SEO, yet there I am telling them the ins and outs like they know very little.
On other occasions, though, I’m bleating on about SEO like everyone knows what it is. It’s a very fine line - and it’s one I don’t always know how to tread. So, when I remember (my passion for the subject means I get carried away sometimes) I allow my clients to do the talking; I ask them how much they know about ranking well online, a ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
2y ago
Who remembers Vampire Weekend’s catchy third single, which featured the line: ‘Who gives a f*ck about an Oxford comma?’.
I do. It punctuated (sorry) my post-uni social life. Back in 2008, it had been three years since I’d completed my degree (in English Literature and Media, if you’re asking) and two years since I started my first proper role: as editorial assistant at my local newspaper.
My free time was spent attending gigs on behalf of the paper (and later, for some music magazines, including NME), interviewing bands and reviewing concerts and music festivals. It was pretty much the dream f ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
2y ago
If you’ve recently set up a business, you either:
A) have a website already
B) getting one set up is top of your priority list.
To keep costs down, you may be using a platform like WordPress or Squarespace, which allow you to set up a template and add or remove sections and pages as and when you see fit. But how do you go about writing your site - surely that’s a task for a professional copywriter, isn’t it?
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
While writing may not be your forte, no one knows your business quite like you do. So, you may feel you’re the best person for the mammoth task of writing your websit ..read more
Lauren Holden Blog
2y ago
Recently set up a business? Congrats! It’s a daunting undertaking but I’m pretty sure it’ll be more than fruitful for you.
When I set up on my own some eight years ago now, I never imagined that I’d be as busy as I am. Or as happy.
Working for yourself, when you work at it, can be hugely rewarding and a great way to spend your days. After all, when you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life - or so the saying goes.
So, you’ve set up a small business online, but how do you go about marketing it to the masses? Below, I share some top tips that worked for me…
Get to Grips with Soc ..read more