Twin Babies Not Rolling Yet?
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
3y ago
    I recently received a question from a parent of twins: What should I do if my 6 month old twins aren't rolling yet? I have 6 month old twins (5 months adjusted age). One twin is still not rolling, the other just started but only front to back towards the left. Compare Baby Milestones to Adjusted Age for Preemies If any comparison to a development norm is to be made here, it should be made to 5 month olds due to these babies being born a month before their due date. Remember Developmental Milestones Happen Within AGE RANGES 5 months is within the expected age RANGE for babies lea more
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The Way Parenting Should Be
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
3y ago
    It shouldn’t be this hard. This isn’t how it was supposed to be. What did we do wrong? These are thoughts I have had often had as a parent of children with emotional and behavioral challenges, very difficult sibling relationships, an alphabet soup of diagnoses and a real knack for having stressful short-term medical mysteries. In a nutshell - as a parent of children who bear little resemblance to the children I thought my partner and I would have…or more accurately that I thought we should have. The Parenting Job Description What I’ve noticed through years of my own parent devel more
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Torticollis: Head Tilt or Head Turning Preference In Babies
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
4y ago
    Torticollis is the medical term for neck turning or tilting. This can be short-term or long-term and can arise at any point in the lifespan. For healthcare professionals involved in the care of infants, we use the term to refer specifically to Congenital Muscular Torticollis (congenital meaning it is present at birth or develops just after birth). Most commonly the primary muscle involved in Torticollis is the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle (SCM). We have a pair of SCM muscles - a right and a left - each wraps down one side of the neck from the skull behind the ear to the collarbon more
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Plagiocephaly: Why Do Flat Heads Matter?
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
4y ago
    You've probably seen babies wearing helmets ("cranial bands" or "cranial orthotics") to correct their head shape. Your own kiddo may even have a helmet. Or you may be facing the tough decision of whether to invest in a helmet for your baby’s head shape. No matter what your relationship to baby helmets is, you may have at some point wondered, “Does head shape really matter?” As a pediatric Occupational Therapist, I'm here to say “YES, babies’ head shapes matter!” But you may be surprised to know why. Baby’s Head Shape Can Be A Red Flag Craniosynostosis A rare but serious cause of more
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Positional Plagiocephaly: Is my baby's head flat?
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
4y ago
    Most parents don't hear ANYTHING from their doctor about preventing or monitoring head flattening until it's a problem. And even then (usually at 4 or 6 month check-ups), there's VERY OFTEN a "let's wait and see" response.   But with rates of Plagiocephaly or head flattening currently estimated to be as high as 48%, it's time to turn our attention toward prevention and early detection of head shape issues to prevent the rising need for baby helmets and the secondary risks of Plagiocephaly. Let's look at some simple, quick ways to check your baby's head shape and explore why more
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Is The Dock-A-Tot Safe? Safe Sleep Questions You've Probably Heard An Inaccurate Answer To
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
4y ago
    Other parents swear it's helping their babies sleep (like, a LOT of other parents!) and since so many parents are using it and stores are selling it - it must be safe, right? As an exhausted new parent you’re likely so desperate for sleep (or as an expectant parent worried that your new baby won't sleep) that you're willing to overlook a $160+ price tag for some quality zzzz's.  But, is the DockATot really all it's cracked up to be? And, more importantly, is it safe for sleep?! I think we can agree on this: As tired as you are by your infant's sleep or lack thereof more
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50 Ways To Promote Baby and Toddler Independence
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
4y ago
    In childcare centers where I worked as an Occupational Therapist, it never failed to surprise parents just how independent their babies and toddlers were away from home. While they still spoon-fed their little ones in high chairs, at "school," their kiddos sat in little chairs at little tables, ate off of plates, drank from open cups and used utensils. They slept on cots or mats instead of in cribs, took their own shoes off before naptime, and washed their hands before meals.  Your little one will always be "your baby," but an important step in their development is gai more
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An Undershared But Important Newborn Development Tip
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
4y ago
Feed every few hours, use a carseat, put baby on his back to sleep... No doubt you’ve received a bunch of instructions, warnings and advice (solicited and not) as you’ve prepared for parenting a new baby. But there’s one newborn development tip you probably won’t hear until it’s too late. Watch the video or read on to learn the tip...   An Expert Perspective for your Baby's Development In my work as a pediatric Occupational Therapist, I've received advanced training in baby development including head shape and neck issues of infancy. So when I say parents don't hear this tip until it more
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Baby Skipped Crawling? Toddler Parents, It's Not Too Late!
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
4y ago
    If your baby skipped crawling, you may feel a twinge of guilt or worry when you hear developmental experts rave about the important benefits of crawling.  But I have GREAT NEWS for you - it’s not too late for your little one to reap some of these benefits. There are certain types of play activities for toddlers, preschoolers and beyond that incorporate the requisite skills for crawling and can yield big benefits for your kiddo.  Why Is Crawling Important Beyond Babyhood? To understand why certain activities are extra helpful for toddlers who skipped crawling, let’s tak more
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How To Support Newborn Milestones Through Play
CanDo Kiddo + Family
by Rachel Coley
4y ago
   Do any of these Google searches sound familiar? What week does baby first smile? When should baby sit up? Baby not rolling over yet If so, you’re in good company! Wondering and worrying about baby milestones - if you’re doing enough to help your little one meet them or if your baby is developmentally on track - is a very common experience for parents. Many parents ask me if they’re “doing enough” to support their baby’s development. That question makes a lot of assumptions that I think should be questioned. Assumptions about an arbitrary measure of parental effort, about determin more
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