Missing Person Kristin Snyder: Lost in a Sea of Myths Pt 4
The Dirt from Dirt
4y ago
Next up in our series on the The Lost Women of NXIVM mockumentary is Joseph O’Hara of Albany, NY. O'Hara was an attorney who worked for NXIVM from October 2003 until he "quit" in January 2005.  O'Hara claimed he quit working for NXIVM because of their nefarious doings and deeds, but it is clear Joe quit because of HIS own nefarious doings:  Seems Joe took a page from Parlato's book and he too tried to steal from the Bronfmans; just one of a multitude of tidbits that doesnt exactly inspire confidence in O'Hara's feedback on NXIVM/Lost Women. From Lost Women, the gist of the interact ..read more
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Missing Person Kristin Snyder: Lost in a Sea of Myths Pt 3
The Dirt from Dirt
4y ago
Pardon our long absence, like everything and everyone else Covid-19 has affected our day to day, we will try to complete at least one post a week till this series is finished. That being said, we remind you that our last post on the Kristin Snyder case/Lost Women mockumentary went to illustrate the VERY questionable, defamatory, and vengeful motives of the person behind/in front of Lost Women-Frank Parlato jr. We will now focus on some of those who chose to co-sign on the Lost Women mockumentary, beginning with Ex NXIVM coach/member Susan Faye Dones.   Some back story on Susan Dones an ..read more
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Missing Person Kristin Snyder: Lost in a Sea of Myths Pt 2
The Dirt from Dirt
4y ago
The next part in our forensic postmortem of the mockumentary The Lost Women of NXIVM will consist of dissecting the major proponents surrounding the Kristin Snyder piece beginning with the obvious, Frank Parlato Jr- "a former NXIVM publicist turned investigative journalist who will lead "viewers through a two-hour investigation that questions if there is more to this sadistic story." There is no mention in the documentary of Parlato's criminal prosecution." Due to a long history of corruption (accused, proven and pending) on Frank Parlato Jr, we are only including a scant bit solely for the p ..read more
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Missing Person Kristin Snyder: Lost in a Sea of Myths Pt 1
The Dirt from Dirt
4y ago
Due to the vast and often contradictory/convoluted information we have had to wade neck-deep through, this series of posts, as of right now, has no definitive end. To regular readers of this blog: While these posts may seem to be a bit off the beaten path, it will quickly become apparent that this topic is actually very much in line with everything this blog has long stood for. That being said, let me briefly explain how Mrs Dirt and I have become embroiled in the missing persons case of Kristin Snyder. Mrs Dirt noticed a series of various attention-grabbing headlines regarding a purpor ..read more
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Women's Liberation Front-WoLF Goes Rabid
The Dirt from Dirt
4y ago
Let me begin this post by stating full stop, this blog's focus has always in one way or another been focused on Homosexual females, this post is no different. And while this post might not appear to be centered on Homo females, as Tilly from Miranda says "Bear with"! As my wife and I have been busy with the recent holidays and another project (that yes is Homo female focused) it might seem like we are not aware of what has BEEN going on in areas online/offline that affect us, we are btw. We have both chosen to keep out of internet nonsense unless we feel it is worth our precious time. For me ..read more
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Did Radical Feminism Open the Door to Transitioning Children?
The Dirt from Dirt
5y ago
I have mentioned umpteen times on social media and written categorically here on the miscalculation/hapless strategy Radical Feminists place/d on Gender. Specifically on Radical Feminist's theorizing and then believing their theory that Gender (the not very well thought out idea, having no basis in reality (past or present), that collective man ie patriarchy, is responsible for the woes (however small or large) any and all Het women have regardless of how they ID) is the key to unlocking Het women's misery/weaknesses. I have established how RadFems/Feminists past (RadFem/Feminists tod ..read more
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I am Not Radical-I am Homosexual
The Dirt from Dirt
5y ago
In a recent video chat I did with CherryBlossomLife, one of her questions for me sprang from another Radical Feminist. The question basically was, how did I become “radical/radicalized“. I wanted to address the question a little more thoroughly in a post. The very notion that Radical Feminists and other women see/view me as some sort of radical, goes to the swell of ongoing data that Mrs Dirt and I are slowly compiling concerning the mass biological differences between Heterosexual women and Homosexual females. The question alone, accompanied by nothing else, is all the data re ..read more
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Cherry Blossom Life asks Dirt some pointed Questions
The Dirt from Dirt
5y ago
Dirt ..read more
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Straight Female Romance Sometimes Transcends Men, But NEVER Biology
The Dirt from Dirt
5y ago
Propagating the species, or the naked truth about the Heterosexual Human animal. Het females biologically are designed to want want want babies and Het males are biologically designed to want want want to have sex/orgasm, which until very recent times was the sole requirement in baby making. Seven and a half billion people strong one would think, like wisdom teeth, Humans would have evolutionalized past sex sex sex and babies babies babies. Unfortunately for our over populated planet Earth that is not the case. Yes dear reader I can hear you thinking loudly Dirt, where the hell is this going ..read more
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Andrea Dworkin-InterCourse-an Interpretive Dance (Ch 7-9)
The Dirt from Dirt
5y ago
Sorry for the long delay in finishing Miss Dworkin's Inter-course review, this post will conclude the rest of the book! Chapter 7 of Inter-course leaves one feeling almost steamrolled! The chapter begins: Occupation and collaboration, clearly meaning that for as much as women are occupied (with men/by men) they equally collaborate with men to be occupied. I guess sometimes the obvious must be stated! And the bit about "dry bottoms"? Brilliant! Moving on: Intercourse as an abusive religion? What?! Is she for real reel?! You bet! And proclaiming that if women's God does not exist then women's b ..read more
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