Hello Out There!
Tuit Nutrition
1M ago
*Tap tap.*  Is this thing on? Is anyone out there? Anyone still subscribed to my blog?  Despite my … let’s see … TWO YEAR ABSENCE, I am, in fact, still alive! ? Still alive and still active in the keto world, albeit a little less publicly than I was a few years back.  I may be getting back to writing regularly again in the new year – more on that in a bit. In the meantime, I’m long overdue to check in, say hello, and point you to where you can find my work these days.   Read more ..read more
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Update - September 2022
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
  Hey all! Despite the silence on this blog for most of the year, I am, in fact, still alive. (Woohoo!) And I wanted to tell you about some cool stuff I have going on.   First:  I’m starting up private consultations again! I’d gotten away from doing them for a while but I’m back in the saddle, so if you need personalized help customizing your low-carb or keto diet, I’m your gal! See here for details.    Second:  I just expanded what I offer on Patreon. If you appreciate what I do – Keto Without the Crazy™ -- an approach to keto diets where there’s no alarmis ..read more
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Meet Me in Person in February
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
Are you ready to attend an in-person event dedicated to low-carb and keto diets? Have you wanted to go to one of these things in the past but the time and expense required has been out of your reach? I have the perfect thing for you: the Adapt Your Life events happening in February! Come meet me in person – I’d love to see you! Adapt events are a great alternative to the large, multi-day conferences that cost several hundred dollars just for registration, plus the cost of airfare, lodging, meals, and more. Yikes! The money and logistics make those bigger events impractical for many of us, n ..read more
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Writing Update!
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
  She lives!  Indeed, despite the desert this blog has become with respect to new posts that reflect my penchant for encyclopedic deep-dives into various topics, I am alive and well, and still writing. It’s just that most of my writing is for other people at the moment. I assume that some of you follow me on social media and subscribe to my YouTube channel, but I figured it was time to give everyone an update on where to find me and also provide some links to articles I’ve written that might be of interest.  First, my main social media presence is on Twitter. You can find me her ..read more
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Announcing The Stall Slayer Masterclass
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
Fat loss stalled on keto? About ready to give up? I have just the thing for you! I get it. You're counting macros. You're weighing and measuring your food. You're intermittent fasting. You're watching every video, reading every blog post, and listening to every podcast you can get your hands on about keto – but you're more confused than ever. You have information coming at you from all sides, and you're still not getting the results you want!   Are you tired of this?Tired of all the tracking, the apps and spreadsheets, watching the clock, testing your ketones, and sucking all the j ..read more
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Why is Blood Sugar Sometimes Higher Than Expected on Keto?
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
We have a numbers problem in the keto community.  We place too much stock in numbers without a good understanding of what they mean.  We measure the level of every little molecule without an appreciation for the myriad feedback mechanisms and overlapping biochemical pathways that govern the systemic regulation that determines those levels. We assign way too much meaning to single measurements taken at single points in time rather than looking at longer term trends and patterns. It’s like seeing one frame of a movie—one isolated, frozen frame—and making wild guesses as to what the ..read more
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7 Reasons to Stay Off the Scale
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
  My previous post walked you through 14 non-weight-loss ways to gauge how a ketogenic or low-carb diet is working for you. But what if you do want to lose weight? Sure, lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, remission of migraines, disappearance of hypoglycemia and brain fog, and total resolution of acid reflux are all pretty great, but what if one of your goals is to see the number on that dastardly scale go down? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to change the size and shape of your body. But a scale is a terrible way to assess whether you’re accomplishing that. Here are seven ..read more
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14 Ways to Tell if Keto Is Working for You Besides Weight Loss
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
  Based on keto transformation pics on social media, it would be easy to think this very low-carb way of eating is used for just one thing: weight loss. And no doubt, the before and after pictures of people who’ve lost substantial amounts of weight are amazing. But low-carb and ketogenic diets are good for so many other thingsbesides changing the size of your body. Some of these—like lower blood sugar, lower triglycerides, and lower blood pressure—can be shared via pictures of glucometers, home blood pressure cuffs, or printouts of your latest bloodwork. But what about the thin ..read more
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Big Updates -- TWO NEW BOOKS!
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
Hey Everyone! Lots of good news to share these days. First: Big news – my book, The Stall Slayer, is now available on Amazon!! YES! If you prefer reading hard copies of books rather than electronic versions, you can now order a paperback copy of The Stall Slayer from Amazon. And not just in the US – it’s available in many other nations. Check your local Amazon site to see if it’s available where you live. I’ve already had some fans buy it in Japan, Brazil, the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands. (If you happen to be reading this in the Netherlands, I think you have to order from the German si ..read more
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New e-Book: The Stall Slayer -- IT'S HERE!!
Tuit Nutrition
2y ago
Hey all! Not long ago, I told you about my e-book, The Stall Slayer. Well, I’m pleased to announce IT’S HERE!! It’s done, ready to go, and AVAILABLE FOR SALE NOW!! Click here to see a short video I did introducing you to the book and what it’s all about. But the best place to go for all things Stall Slayer is: stallslayer.com. Stalled fat loss is the #1 reason people contact me for help. Think you’re doing “all the right things” to lose fat on keto and it’s not working? You're not alone! I understand your frustration and disappointment. I wrote this book for YOU. The good news is ..read more
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