Some parting thoughts as I leave the post of #UN Special Coordinator for the #MiddleEast Peace Process
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
4y ago
Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs have lived with conflict for too long. The painful reality of their struggle has affected every single family for generations. Loss and displacement is part of the personal history of every single household. Palestinians have been upended from their homes, forced to seek refuge across the region. Jews have more
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Почивай в мир, приятелю!
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
4y ago
Днес, на 65 години, битката с коронавируса загуби Саеб Ерекат. Ветеран на преговорния прцес, Саеб до последно не загуби вярата, че израелци и палe more
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#България върви напред толкова бързо и успешно, колкото всички ние заедно сме готови да вървим напред
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
4y ago
Преди 31 more
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Every opportunity must be used, if we are to move from statements and conflict management to a sustainable two-state solution in line with relevant #UN resolutions, bilateral agreements and international law. #Israel #Palestine
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
4y ago
On August 25th I briefed the UN Security Council, following the agreement that was reached between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that stops Israeli annexation plans over parts of the occupied West Bank and includes the normalization of relations between the two countries. The Secretary-General has welcomed this agreement, hoping it will create an more
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‪The #COVID19 pandemic is likely to also have severe socio-economic consequences for the #Palestinian people. All must work together to avert economic collapse. The #UN supports PM @DrStayyeh’s efforts to put together an #emergency budget and address the crisis.‬
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
5y ago
I am concerned about the socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 health crisis on the Palestinian people, particularly vulnerable communities in Gaza. In addition to the public health implications of the pandemic, the negative shock to the Israeli and Palestinian economies will have profound implications for public welfare, employment, social cohesion, financial and institutional stability. If more
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At a time like this, partisanship and narrow interests must yield to the greater cause of #peace in the #MiddleEast.
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
5y ago
Today, together with my colleagues Geir Pedersen, the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria, Jan Kubis, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq and Martin Griffiths, the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, we issued the following joint appeal: On 23 March, the more
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Upholding #UN resolutions and international law is just as important as preventing escalation and #war in #Gaza and paving the way for negotiations.
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
5y ago
On 20 November I briefed the UN Security Council on the latest developments in the Middle East. We met in in the aftermath of the most serious recent escalation between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza. Although the immediate crisis was diffused, the situation remains highly volatile. Following Israel’s targeted killing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad more
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Защо отслабването на ЕС е против интерсите на България
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
5y ago
През май тази година ще се състои решителна битка за европейския проект. Увеличаващите се гласове за анти-европейски партии може да доведат със себе си дневен ред, който, ще намали рязко способността на по-малките страни в ЕС да прокарват интересите си. Това коментират от Европейски съвет за външна политика. Отдавна се говори, че анти-европейските партии заплашват […] more
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There are no shortcuts to #peace
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
6y ago
Today I briefed the UN Secuirty Council on the latest developments in the Middle East, starting with Gaza. Just a few short weeks ago we teetered on the precipice of another devastating conflict, as we witnessed the most intense fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants from Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza since 2014 more
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I welcome the formation of a new #Palestinian government and call on all to work together in the interest of peace and to overcome internal divisions. Unity and elections are essential to reconciliation.
Nickolay E. Mladenov
by Nickolay Mladenov
6y ago
I congratulate Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh on the formation of a new Palestinian government and look forward to continuing to work closely with him and his team on improving the economic, humanitarian and social situation of the Palestinian people. At a time of significant financial and political challenges to the Palestinian national project, all must more
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