Learn how to “MASTER” Your LIFE!
Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
Do ever feel like you are on a spinning wheel, the merry go round in life? Feel Unhappy? Stressed? Loss of Sleep? Overweight? Dull drums? Unfulfilled? Feeling of hopelessness? What if I told you I have a program that can help change all areas in your life, to “EPIC”proportions by following “The M.A.P.” (The Master Action Plan©) This program is not offered anywhere else on the planet. I can promise that if you are willing to commit to the program, it will be life changing with guaranteed results!!! I’m Dennis Kelly, and have proven my system works without a doubt as it led me to become a World ..read more
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Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
The “Heart” of a Master Champion Dennis Kelly was never a great athlete Kelly never made a basket, never made a touchdown!! His High School Coach made fun of him, told the other players he had to play him,since they were always short of players, when he overheard him talking about him in the locker room.  Then, his stepfather, would tell him he wasn’t worth two cents! His girlfriend broke up with him because he couldn’t dance!                           &nb ..read more
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Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
Aside from any circumstances,inside each and every one of us dwells the heart of a champion. It is something that must be sought out and discovered in order to become reality.Circumstances couldn’t be any more of an obstacle than they were for a young Dennis Hafemeister. His low self image stemmed mainly from an unstable home life, and an abusive alcoholic father. Despite having poor genetics as an athlete, his competitive nature led him to play for the football and basket ball teams at his small Wisconsin high school. It was during that time that he overheard his football coach joking to othe ..read more
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How to Make a Beautiful Life
Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
Here are some very simple, easy to follow tips you can learn from today to help you create a more beautiful life immediately. Love yourself, MAKE  PEACE  with who you are and where you are at this moment in time,. Listen  to your heart. If you can’t hear what it’s saying in this noisy world,  MAKE TIME  for yourself. Enjoy your own company. Let your mind wander among the stars Try Take chances MAKE MISTAKES, Life can be messy and confusing at times, but it’s also full of surprises. The next rock in your path might be a stepping stone. BE HAPPY When you don’t have what ..read more
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Goal Setting Tips
Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
Living Your Dreams the Importance of “Goal Setting” Living your dream can be something different for everyone. It’s the journey that gets you to the achievement of the dream, whether it be to become independently wealthy, or independently healthy. What drives you? What motivates you?  Purpose?  Passion?  Do you have an unwavering desire for success?  Why? The journey we are referring to is the way to self discovery, by first of all making the choice to dream, and asking yourself one thought provoking question: “If you have already achieved  the financial success and se ..read more
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Your Intelligent Heart
Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
The Smart Heart What better time then now to talk about the wonderful power of the heart with all the stress that we are facing with all the turmoil that is taking place in our world today. Approximately 25 years ago, one of the most amazing discoveries was made by a group of doctors and Neurocardiologists: there is a brain within the heart. They discovered  that the electromagnetic generated by the heart can be measured up to eight feet away from the body.  They verified that the heart sends and receives information much like a radio transmitter.  Hidden within the simplicity o ..read more
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All About You: Deep Breathing
Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
Most people breathe the way they dance: They think they know what they’re doing, but they really don’t have a clue. Stop for a second and focus on your breathing. Now look down. See anything moving? Probably not. That’s because most people typically take very short, shallow breaths…the kind that simply come from your chest. For you to really improve your lung function, you need to practice taking deep, whole breaths. It should take about 5 seconds to inhale and 7 seconds to exhale. And your belly should get big, then small. Ahhh…that’s better. The Way Your Lungs Work Remember what makes the lu ..read more
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Heart is Where The Home Is
Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
We have heard the phrase “home is where the heart is”, but the truth is “heart is where the home is!” Whether it is in health, personal, business or relationships, living an “empowered heart based” life can change a persons quality of life forever, and it is never too late to get started It is a matter of choices, and how you choose to live, the life you were meant to live, to be happy, healthy, and in abundance. Being true to your heart, is being true to yourself. A heart focused life adds more definition, renews the spirit, and gives one a greater sense of purpose and well being, creating a ..read more
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University Research on Tai Chi
Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
In God We Trust, all Others Bring Data..G. Ewards Deming University Level Data substantiates what I as well as others have known for years. Tai Chi and Chi Kung will improve your health and state of well being. Arthritis: In a 40 person study at Tufts University, presented in October 2008 at a meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, an hour of tai chi twice a week for 12 weeks reduced pain and improved mood and physical functioning more than standard stretching exercises in people with severe knee osteoarthritis Sleep Problems: In University of California, Los Angeles, study of 112 ..read more
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Mastery of Life
Master Kelly
by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
4y ago
Mastering the Art of Living Live Glorious morning! Feeling extremely Blessed! We are in “the groove” as they say getting ready to launch “The Mastery of L.I.F.E.” sharing all, telling all that has led us on “the Master Journey” to enlightenment from a higher consciousness level, with no destination other than to enjoy the journey and live well on the path. We all have the power to set the stage, write the script, direct it and play full out as God as the producer, allowing miracles to unfold and enter into our life experiences. We are so very grateful for the healing of my husband, my “ROCK ..read more
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