LGBTQ digital resources for Young people
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
3y ago
Yesterday was International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. A day where different countries aim to raise the awareness of LGBT rights and support the work being done to prevent hate. Being a parent and also volunteering with young people, I truly feel education is how change is going to occur and it needs to start as soon as young people are able to communicate. So I went on a hunt for different resources to help educate young people and even adults and thought I would share for those wondering how to get starting with those type of conversations. A fab little video about gen more
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LGBTQ History Month – What our son knows
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
3y ago
February is the month we celebrate LGBTQ history month. For us all year long is an LGBTQ history lesson, but this month many charities, organisations and companies share their support in the history of those that paved the way for families like ours. This year I thought I would share something a little different. Our not so little dude is 8 now and a little sponge of knowledge. He has attended the LGBTQ youth group I volunteer at and taken part in LGBTQ studies during the first lockdown. So I thought I would pose him some questions and share his honest answers and then reflect on it each year more
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So many changes – Autumn Walk 2020
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
3y ago
Back in 2012 I started a series of posts that I intended to update once a year. An Autumn walk recorded to see the changes as M grows. Last year our autumn walk passed without a post. Because lots of change has happened in our house over the last year. All good change, but change that effects our blog and what we share moving forward. This year C qualified as a Secondary School teacher. Something we are all so proud of. But it also comes with restrictions on what we can share as a family on the blog. Plus our little man is changing in personality and is very independent, making decisions on wh more
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Back to school – Year Four
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
4y ago
As we approach the October half term break I thought it was time to write the yearly back to school post. I wanted our little dude to settle into the new year before I wrote my post, just in case we were thrown back into a national lockdown out of no where. Thankfully our little dude has managed to stay in his bubble at school with no lockdowns. The home learning during lockdown didn’t seem to have any negative effects on the levels M was at before the lockdown. So that is a little parenting win. I will be honest trying to keep him learning whilst we both still worked from home was tricky. But more
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Scooting at Prevail Junior
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
4y ago
Just before lock down we discovered a lovely local hot spot for our scooter/skateboard loving boy. Prevail Junior in Bournemouth is an indoor flow park for young people under 13. For just £10 your child can skate or scoot their heart out for 2 hours. They also serve coffee and snacks, which gives the grown ups time for a little break. Obviously unless your little one is very little and needs your help. Thankfully our little dude is happy to scoot off without a backwards glance for at least 15 minutes, before summoning us to observe various tricks and new skills. It is the kind of place that more
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Lyme Regis Fossil Hunting
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
4y ago
With lock down relaxing and a new way of visiting places occurring, we decided it was time to spread our wings a little and venture to one of our favourite places in Dorset. Just an hour away, Lyme Regis is a gorgeous place to enjoy the beach, local businesses and fossil hunting. When we arrived, our little dude had only one thing in mind, fossil hunting. So instead of heading to the popular part of the beach, we took a left and headed towards the cliffs and a popular area for fossil hunters. Lyme Regis is a fantastic place to go fossil hunting if you have any budding fossil hunters wantin more
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A Virtual Scout Camp
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
4y ago
This weekend (11th-12th July) I am taking part in a Scout camp and I can’t wait. Since lock down started, one of the things I’ve missed the most, is not seeing my Beaver Scouts face to face, at their weekly meeting. We are lucky to have a very supportive group that has helped me keep Scouting during a weekly zoom Beaver meeting. But camping is what I love most about Scouting. With sleepovers and trips to camp grounds cancelled, my Group Scout Leader decided to organise a virtual Scout Camp. Within days of it being planned, the official UK Scouts announced plans to host their own Great Indoors more
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We are accountable
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
4y ago
I have always been against racism, I have challenged friends and family members on jokes and subtle comments on stereotypes, I have thought up until this point that by me not being racist I was part of change in my generation, that was needed. That was wrong, it is not enough for me not to be racist, I need to be actively anti-racist. I was ignorant about my part in the bigger picture and for this I apologise. But through education and action, I can be part of the change. I am in a position to use my platform to amplify Black people’s voices and their activism. We are accountable for the syste more
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Not quite normal yet
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
4y ago
Last week our new normal changed ever so slightly. With the government announcing new guidelines for lock down and new procedures being placed in public places, we decided to venture a little further from the house for some exercise. We are very lucky to live quite local to the coast, so a drive to our local beach isn’t much more than 25 minutes. We hadn’t planned to visit the beach, but with us passing by on other business, we just couldn’t resist setting our feet down on the sand. We are an outdoor family, being confined to our home for so many weeks has taken it’s toll on all of us. Both Cl more
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Our temporary new normal
My Two Mums
by My Two Mums
4y ago
On the 16th March my boss made the decision for us to start working from home, due to concerns in the rising numbers of Covid-19. The little dude was still in attendance at school and Clara was still teaching. Each day we watched the news covering increasing numbers in cases and then deaths in the UK. Schools were eventually closed and we went into lock down and our temporary new normal was created. It’s been a very odd time, as I imagine it has for everyone else in the world. The corner of our living room has become my office, the dining table has become Clara’s office and our little dude mov more
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