GCSE revision: Ecosystems functions and threats
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
3y ago
This post will provide revision help for ecosystems topics and offers you key word lists, learning checklists (skeletons) and some extra links to help you as well. Key word lists: Key words 3.1 & 3.2 ecosystems Here are the revision skeleton to help you revise. All you need to do is read the statements that are written around the topic title in the middle and collect and revise all the information that you need for each one. So no need to print this if you don’t want to. ecosystems – both topicsDownload Another great place to look for is the time for geography website. This is especially ..read more
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GCSE revision: Coasts
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
3y ago
This post will provide revision help for the coasts revision topic and you key word lists, learning checklists (skeletons) and some extra links to help you as well. Key word lists: Key words 2.1 coasts and coastal managmentDownload Here are the revision skeleton to help you revise. All you need to do is read the statements that are written around the topic title in the middle and collect and revise all the information that you need for each one. So no need to print this if you don’t want to. coastsDownload A great place to look for processes on coasts and rivers as well as how we try to manag ..read more
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GCSE revision: Development and Globalisation
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
3y ago
The resources here are to help you with the Development and Globalisation topic. I will provide key word lists, personal learning checklists (which I call skeletons) and some online links to help you. However the best resource you have is your own knowledge and your own exercise book. Trust the work you have done and the teaching you have received! however if you also want some external help there are some links at the bottom of the post. Key words 1.3 glob and devtDownload Revision Skeletons: The way to use these is to read the statements printed around the topic title and revise each one, o ..read more
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Y11 November mock revision 3 Ecosystems
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
3y ago
This post will provide revision help for ecosystems topics and will follow the same structure as part one and two, with key word lists, learning checklists (skeletons) and some extra links to help you as well. Key word lists: Key words 3.1 & 3.2 ecosystems Here are the revision skeleton to help you revise. All you need to do is read the statements that are written around the topic title in the middle and collect and revise all the information that you need for each one. So no need to print this if you don’t want to. ecosystems – both topicsDownload Another great place to look for is the t ..read more
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Y11 November mock revision 2 Coasts
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
3y ago
This post will provide revision help for the coasts revision topic and will follow the same structure as part one, with key word lists, learning checklists (skeletons) and some extra links to help you as well. Key word lists: Key words 2.1 coasts and coastal managmentDownload Here are the revision skeleton to help you revise. All you need to do is read the statements that are written around the topic title in the middle and collect and revise all the information that you need for each one. So no need to print this if you don’t want to. coastsDownload A great place to look for processes on coa ..read more
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Y11 November Mock revision 1 Development and globalisation
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
3y ago
The resources here are to help you with the Development and Globalisation topic. I will provide key word lists, personal learning checklists (which I call skeletons) and some online links to help you. However the best resource you have is your own knowledge and your own exercise book. Trust the work you have done and the teaching you have received! Key words 1.3 glob and devtDownload Revision Skeletons: The way to use these is to read the statements printed around the topic title and revise each one, one by one. You don’t have to print out the file attached below, you can use it as a revision ..read more
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Y10 revision part 2 – physical topics
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
4y ago
This post will provide revision help for both the coasts and revision topics and will follow the same structure as part one, with key word lists, learning checklists (skeletons) and some extra links to help you as well. Key word lists: Key words 2.1 coasts and coastal managmentDownload Key words 2.2 rivers and river managmentDownload Here are the two skeletons to help you revise. All you need to do is read the statements that are written around the topic title in the middle and collect and revise all the information that you need for each one. riversDownload coastsDownload A great place to lo ..read more
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Y10 revision part 1 – Human topics
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
4y ago
The resources here are to help you with the two topic: a) Development and Globalisation and b) Global Cities. I will provide key word lists, personal learning checklists (which I call skeletons) and some online links to help you. However the best resource you have is your own knowledge and your own exercise book. Trust the work you have done and the teaching you have received! Key word lists: Key words 1.3 glob and devtDownload Key words 1.1 global citiesDownload Skeletons: The way to use these is to read the statements printed around the topic title and revise each one, one by one. Please no ..read more
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Coronavirus work: year 9 climate change lesson 9+10
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
5y ago
The PowerPoint for the lessons are here  lesson 9        lesson 10 The text book is here GCSE text bookDownload     ..read more
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Coronavirus work: year 9 climate change lesson 7 + 8
Geogteacher's Blog
by trusting mind
5y ago
The PowerPoint for the lesson is here maldives-c-change The text book is here GCSE text bookDownload Mr Hunt’s sheet maldives-case-study-overview-mhuDownload the second sheet maldives-sea-level-rise-p.-1-onlyDownload ..read more
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