Family Movie Night
Sunshine Dad
by Sunshine Dad
3y ago
Our family loves movie night and nothing enhances movie night quite like a projector. The ability to take the movie out to the back yard or project onto an entire wall is a fantastic bonus. I’ve had a few projectors over the years and I currently have a Meauro FHD 1080p Portable mini projector and it’s the best I’ve had by far. One of the coolest things about it is it runs on the android operating system so I can download anything from the Google Play store. That’s particularly nice when we watch movies in the backyard because I don’t have to also take another streaming device to plug into it more
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5 Tips for Sellers Who Need to Sell In a Post-COVID World
Sunshine Dad
by Sunshine Dad
4y ago
This year continues to be one for the history books, life still must go on. People have had to figure out how to deal with the pandemic and many businesses have had to change their business practices. For example, real estate agents have had to make changes regarding how they help clients buy and sell property. If you’re in a position where you have to sell your home, here are a few tips to get your house sold as quickly as possible during this pandemic. 1. Virtual tours Real estate agents have had to think on their toes so they can get out there to sell houses. One of these changes more
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Men in Black is Back
Sunshine Dad
by Sunshine Dad
5y ago
Men In Black International is now available on Blu-Ray and Sony has teamed up with Budsies to help spread the word.  I was sent the following promotional material for free to help out.  I’m sure you’re all familiar with the Men in Black: the black suit wearing, mind erasing, alien fighting, secret group that protects the Earth from the scum of the universe, but you might not have heard of Budsies.  As part of their promotion, I was asked to draw a picture of an alien. I put my best alien-drawing sidekick to work, my 10 year old son. He whipped up this creation. We then sent it off to Budsies more
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