My Elt Rambles
This page is dedicated to my blog, My ELT Rambles. I enjoy blogging about teaching English and lifestyle.
My Elt Rambles
4y ago
Hi Everyone!
Long time no read, right? I have been super busy.. So, I haven’t blogged in ages. But I am here today. I was actually thinking about how I went from face to face teaching to online teaching in a blink of the eye, and how that has changed my teaching……..
So, how has your teaching changed and what did you learn? That is the question of today’s post.
While Covid and lockdown restrictions have not completely gone away, I do think that we can reflect on our teaching and I want us to do this together. Let’s start a tag….Or let’s just share our thoughts.
What skills have you gained from ..read more
My Elt Rambles
5y ago
So coronavirus, huh?
I hope you are all healthy and you and your families are well.
Difficult times. A lot of us are looking at ways of moving from face to face to online. Whether it’s ELT or EAP, I am here to tell you that it can be done, but it will take time, planning and effort.
I have decided to write a few blog posts about how to transition from f2f to online. Before I start, a few rambley bits.
My Background & My Context
I have been teaching Business English online for about 7 years. I taught my last BE lesson this month. I thought that would be the end of an era ..read more
My Elt Rambles
5y ago
Hi everyone,
2019 is coming to an end and I have not been here for ages. I thought I’d pop on to wish everyone Happy Holidays. May all your dreams come true and may 2020 be better than 2019. It’s a new decade folks. What do you see coming your way? I, for one, have a new job where I work. I will be coordinating during the presessional course. My title now is Associate Lecturer. It is a part time post though. 3 days a week I will be coordinating and 2 days a week I will be a Language and Study Skills Tutor. How will it work?? We will see. At last a dream came true. That’s the thing. Ever sinc ..read more
My Elt Rambles
6y ago
So, the Baleap conference ended today. This was my first Baleap conference. If you do not know what Baleap conference is, it is a conference about EAP (English for academic purposes), I guess. EAP practitioners talking about EAP stuff.
I attended a lot of talks. I also presented with my colleague. A Pecha Kucha (that will be a different blog post). I learnt some things, but mostly started thinking about a lot of stuff. This conference made me want to blog and share some thoughts with you guys.
Thought number 1
One of the main themes of this Baleap conference was the role of the EAP practitione ..read more