DIASPORIC CAPITAL: Canadian Sex Workers of COlor Hacking Sexual Racism
Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
5d ago
BLOG ALERT! | DIASPORIC CAPITAL: CANADIAN SEX WORKERS OF COLOR HACKING SEXUAL RACISM Dr. Menaka Raguparan examines how Canadian sex workers of color utilize diasporic capital to juxtapose dominant gender-, class-, and citizenship-based negative controlling images against sexual racism ..read more
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Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
2w ago
Roberta Pamplona uses the Brazilian Feminicídio Law as a case study to show how the incorporation of feminist ideas by the state does not necessarily lead to their depoliticization ..read more
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Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
3M ago
By Rebecca Lennox, Ph.D. Hollywood movie producers and feminist researchers offer divergent portraits of heterosexuality. The Hollywood portrait is epitomized in the romcom, a genre that travels a narrative pattern in which a man and woman meet unexpectedly, fall in love, and abruptly encounter an insurmountable barrier to being together. In The Adjustment Bureau, for ..read more
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“When Family Members Refuse the Gender of Trans and Nonbinary People”
Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
4M ago
By Amy L. Stone Arjana is a 28-year-old bisexual, multiracial, trans woman from San Antonio, Texas, with beautiful hair and an expressive face. She leans in closer with a face full of emotion as she describes cutting off contact with her stepfather, who had been physically abusive towards her as a child. “I felt like ..read more
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Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
6M ago
Displaced Men’s Material and Affective Abandonment in Greece By Oska Paul and Meena Masood The concept of vulnerability has become increasingly integral to state and humanitarian legislation, policies, discourse, and practices in contexts of displacement. Asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants legally categorized as ‘vulnerable persons’ are ostensibly entitled to specialised and additional care. Yet in ..read more
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Is There a Better Way to Address Gender-Based Violence in SportsWorld?
Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
6M ago
By Katie Mirance, Katelyn E. Foltz, Angela J. Hattery, Marissa Kiss, and Earl Smith As many as one in five women will be sexually assaulted while in college, and 26-36% will experience an act of intimate partner violence. For this reason, in the early 2000s advocates began exploring Title IX, the gender equity law in ..read more
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Hiding Gender Inequality Behind the Myth of Mutuality
Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
6M ago
Jaclyn S. Wong and Allison Daminger Why are women in dual-career relationships more likely than their husbands to move for their spouse’s career? Why do women do more unpaid housework and childcare than their husbands, even when both partners are employed? Questions like these about persistent gender inequality in work and family are ultimately questions ..read more
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Thinking about the Gender Binary During Shelter-in-Place
Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
8M ago
Amy L. Stone, PhD and Alexandra Gallin-Parisi, PhD The shelter-in-place period of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States was a peculiar time. As many people transitioned to staying home and Zooming in to work and school, this social isolation also created conditions for people to explore identities outside the gender binary. Alpha, a Black nonbinary person in their late teens, was living with their family in shelter-in-place and spent a lot of time in their room. They called the isolation “a blessing and curse, because my mental health was really bad and I had to seek therapy, but at the s ..read more
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Does a victim need an injury to hold offenders accountable?
Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
8M ago
Joohyun Park In defining rape, there are two predominant legal frameworks across the globe: one based on coercion and the other on consent. The coercion-based model considers physical force, attack, and/or threat as necessary elements to determine the existence of the crime. Italy, France, and some US states such as Michigan follow this model. In contrast, the consent-based model defines rape as an act committed without the victim’s consent. This model is supported by the European Court of Human Rights and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and is used in England ..read more
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Gender & Society
by Gender & Society
1y ago
Delegation of Financial Decision Making to Spouse in Old Age By Dr. Anup Basu You can find Professor Basu on Twitter/X @anupkbasu ! Image generated by AI Aging can bring about a decline in cognitive abilities, thereby affecting our financial decision-making capacity. Although in many married households, one spouse is primarily responsible for managing household finances, discharging this responsibility can become challenging with age and it may become necessary to share it with the other spouse. Recognizing when and how to share or delegate financial decisions to the spouse is crucial to preve ..read more
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