I am into the third stage of my TEFL career now, 7-19 years, where the DUST I've created is turning into STARS. On this site you can find some ways to stop that DUST settling in the classroom that i have collected from web pages and other people.
3w ago
A Pangram is a sentence that includes every letter of the alphabet. For example: The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Can you make one? Can you make one in the past tense ..read more
6M ago
First, write an item for each thing on this list:
1, An activity you enjoy doing (example: Basketball)
2, Something you sometimes do
3, A verb in gerund (ING) form
4, A place in your town
5 Another place in your town
6, Two subjects at school
7, Two countries on our planet
8, An APP on your/a phone
9, Your favourite sport / hobby
10, An object in the house (plural)
Now put your words in the questions below and ask them to a friend, partner or yourself.
1, What is the objective of ___? (Basketball)
2, When was the last time you ___?
3, Do you agree that ___ is important?
4, What is a benefit ..read more
7M ago
In the spaces below you must try and write between 2 and 5 words. Each word is valued at one point. 25 points available for the five sentences – but they must be grammatically worthy.
They _____ to the park on Saturdays.
They take their two dogs to the park on Saturdays. (4 points)
1, I _____ to school every day.
2, My cat likes to _____ on the sofa.
3, Can you _____ me your phone, please?
4, She _____ a book from the shop yesterday.
5, We _____ dinner at 9 o'clock every evening.
Artwork by Laura ..read more
9M ago
What advice would a ____ (animal, object, place) give to its offspring?
Think of 3 or 4 things ..read more
10M ago
The words is HAPPY
Here below are synonyms for that word with letters missing
How many do you think you know of the 7?
G _ _ _
_ ERR _
_ L _ A _ ED
DELIG _ T_ _
_ _ _ _ LLED
Activity from GoGetters ..read more
10M ago
Write a (if not poetic then a simple) sentence of 13 words using a starter word. Perhaps a word from the last class: FRIGHTENING
Example: I met you in the cinema after we watched that frightening film in Peru ..read more
10M ago
First copy or ask someone to dictate these words to you
1, happy
2, immature
3, outgoing
4, green
5, confusing
6, icy
7, honest
8, strong
9, scary
10, baggy
Then from this grid below match the synonyms.
When you have finished choose one word and try a Poetry in 13 ..read more