Dads Pad Blog
Dads Pad Blog contains articles, information, videos, research, products, and perspective advancing the national field of Responsible Fatherhood and Parenting. Born and raised in Brooklyn Kenneth currently resides in Atlanta, and is the father of four beautiful children; uncle, grandfather; and husband to a beautiful wife, Tracy.
Dads Pad Blog
1w ago
Researchers from the Moynihan Institute for Fatherhood Research and Policy are hosting a critically important webinar: "Can You See Me Now? A Closer Examination of Black Fathers in Television Commercials." A must-attend event for anyone interested in media representation of Black fathers and families, the presentation is based on Moynihan Institute’s qualitative study measuring attitudes and reflections about Black fathers in television commercials ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
1w ago
In this blog, we explore five emerging fatherhood topics we’re watching now — Child Support, Maternal Health Care Advocacy, Housing, Economic Sustainability, and Dads as Doulas — and discuss why these issues are vital, what actions are needed, and how FI is driving change in each area ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
2w ago
Emotional intelligence (EI), the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s emotions and the emotions of others, is a cornerstone of this transformation. For fathers, embracing EI is not only an avenue to deeper connection with their children but also a way to equip them with the skills to navigate life’s complexities with resilience, empathy, and self-awareness ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
1M ago
Writing this feels impossible, yet necessary, because Lawrence deserves words that honor the man he was, even if they fall short of the mark. This is for you, L. This is The Death of the L ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
1M ago
The impact of incarceration during the holidays goes far beyond the prison walls. It touches the hearts of children, the strength of families, and the fabric of our communities. We cannot afford to let these families feel forgotten. Healing starts with recognition and compassion ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
1M ago
For all its joy and celebration, the holiday season can be a lonely and challenging time for fathers separated from their children. Whether due to scheduling or the heartbreak of parental alienation, these fathers often navigate their pain in silence. By recognizing the reality of their struggles and taking steps to support them, we can bring light to a complex subject and promote healing for fathers, children, and families alike ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
1M ago
We must confront these school shootings with brutal honesty and a willingness to act. This isn’t just a policy problem. It’s a moral crisis. Gun control, mental health resources, and school security are all critical pieces of the puzzle, but they are not the whole picture. The whole picture must include the acknowledgment that, as a society, we have stopped prioritizing the well-being of its children ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
1M ago
The Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) has made a groundbreaking decision to allow Federal Financial Participation (FFP) under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act to fund employment and training services for noncustodial parents. This shift represents an innovative approach to solving long-standing challenges in child support compliance, focusing on empowering noncustodial parents through employment opportunities and supportive services ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
1M ago
Amidst the challenges, there was one constant: James Evans, played by John Amos. For many Black children, particularly those growing up in father-absent homes, James Evans was more than a character ..read more
Dads Pad Blog
2M ago
Fathers Incorporated's Home for the Holidads fills a critical gap by focusing on the children who are most affected by their parent’s absence ..read more