10 New Eye-catching Designs From York Wallcoverings New Peel and Stick Collection
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
10 New Eye-catching Designs From York Wallcoverings New Peel and Stick Collection York Wallcoverings has introduced a new peel and stick collection. Peel and stick wallpaper is not something that has been around for a long time. However, due to its ease of application, it is claiming its place with the wallcovering customer.  This unique design is not something to shy away from either. York Wallcoverings’ new collection is so eye-catching that you might even forget that it is peel-and-stick wallpaper! Peel and stick wallpaper is a great way to add a new look to your home without the hassl ..read more
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Prepping To Apply Wall Decals: A Quick Checklist
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
Applying wall decals can be the way to go when you need a bit of extra spunk in a room. Putting them up is an easy DIY project that almost anyone can handle with the proper steps. Here’s a quick checklist for prepping to apply wall decals. Clear and Prepare the Area Start by clearing the area where you’ll be hanging the wall sticker. Next, move any furniture away that could skew your perception of how straight or aligned the decal will be. After that, gather all the tools you’ll need based on the instructions that come with the sticker. It will also be helpful to make sure the temperature is ..read more
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How to Choose the Right Type of Commercial Wallpaper
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
When choosing how to decorate or style walls, many people opt for wallpaper. The reason for this is that wallpaper can hide surface damage. Also, it adds much more depth, design, and texture than plain paint. There are many different types of wallpaper as well. Some of these may be better for your business than others. Learn how to choose the right type of commercial wallpaper in this article. Why Choose Wallpaper Over Paint? While paint and wallpaper can both liven up a space, there are some distinct advantages of choosing to install wallpaper in your commercial area instead of painting the ..read more
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5 Common Mistakes When Hanging Borders (& How To Avoid Them)
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
Borders are an excellent way to add some style and personalization to a room with little cost. Although they are generally straightforward to install, DIYers can easily run into some issues. Here are the common mistakes when hanging borders (and how to avoid them). Ignoring Instructions You aren’t the first person to try to hang a self-adhesive wallpaper border, and you certainly won’t be the last. Companies know the mistakes that people make, and they’ve already figured out how to fix them. These secrets are in plain sight; they’re built into the directions. By following them, you increase t ..read more
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How to Add Farmhouse Charm to Your Kitchen
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
Farmhouse style is a popular interior design trend that seeks to bring a rustic atmosphere into the house. It does this by using specific materials, colors, and items to create a warm, cozy, and comfortable home, no matter where you live. When thinking about redecorating the house, it’s helpful to start with one room. Here’s how to add farmhouse charm to your kitchen. Get Fresh Flowers Flowers are popular for a whole range of occasions. But have you ever considered getting them just because you like them? Farms have plants growing all over the place, so keeping a vase on the countertop or din ..read more
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Removing Old Wallpaper: 3 Tips and Tricks to Try
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
Just like any interior design project, installing wallpaper requires equal amounts of care and efficiency. And wallpaper removal calls for the same things. Of course, removing wallpaper isn’t a colossal change to make. But there are some crucial details some homeowners don’t know. So, before removing old wallpaper, read the three tips and tricks to try below to learn the ropes. Take Your Time You may assume wallpaper removal is a quick process., but it can take quite a bit of time. For this reason, set aside a couple of days to tackle the project. That way, you don’t have to rush the prep wor ..read more
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Applying Wallpaper to a Ceiling: The Dos and Don’ts
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
Despite the moniker “wallpaper,” this transformative décor element works on ceilings, too. However, before applying wallpaper to a ceiling, there are some dos and don’ts you should learn. Use the list below to learn tips for installing wallpaper on your home ceiling. Do Ensure the Ceiling’s Clean Getting wallpaper is exciting, but you shouldn’t apply it too quickly. First, inspect your ceiling for any dust, dirt, cobwebs, and other stains or obstructions. Installing wallpaper over such eyesores will ruin the final look. Thankfully, cleaning the ceiling is quick and easy unless it’s moldy, stru ..read more
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Advantages of Cordless Blinds – Everything You Need To Know
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
When shopping for blinds for your home or office, the biggest factors you might consider are price and appearance. Of course, these are important factors to consider because an ugly set of blinds can transform a nice room into an eyesore. Furthermore, standard window blinds come in two distinct cord options—corded and cordless. To some people, choosing between the two cord options might not sound like an important decision to make. However, your window blinds’ cord is much more important than some folks realize. Dive into the comprehensive guide below to learn everything you need to know about ..read more
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3 Reasons To Love Peel-and-Stick Murals for Your Space
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
  are showcases of art you might find on structures around your town. However, a mural can also be an enjoyable, fresh way to revitalize your home. Although a carefully chosen paint color can make houses and businesses pop, miraculous murals bring something unique to any room. To find out what makes this decor special, check out these three reasons to love peel-and-stick murals for your space. The Creativity One of the most appealing aspects of peel-and-stick murals is their creativity. Anyone can make their walls more visually creative by using peel-and-stick murals. If your child is a ..read more
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3 Fun & Easy Ways To Decorate Kids’ Bedroom Walls
TotalWallcovering Blog
by Total Wallcovering Admin
3y ago
Young kids don’t tend to understand the nuances of interior design. So, successfully decorating their rooms isn’t always easy. Thankfully, imbuing your child’s room with creativity and personality becomes easier once you learn about some of the vital tools for the job. Check out these three fun and easy ways to decorate kids’ bedroom walls. Murals Murals are incredible pieces of art that can improve nearly every room in the house, and your child’s bedroom is no exception. For instance, we carry murals in various sizes at Total Wallcovering because creative freedom is important in interior des ..read more
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