Tea Bags and Micro Plastics
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
1M ago
Plastic teabags release microplastic and nanoplastic particles into brewed tea, according to researchers at McGill University. However, the researchers are unsure of what the possible health effects of consuming these particles are. Some tea manufacturers are selling tea in plastic teabags rather than paper ones. The researchers wanted to find out if these plastic teabags release microplastics and/or nanoplastic particles into the tea while steeping and if so, how much. For the experiment, the researchers used four different commercial teas that were packed in plastic teabags. First, they empt ..read more
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Brewing Trouble: How Temperature Impacts Tea Plantations
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
Tea, a beloved beverage enjoyed worldwide, thrives under specific climatic conditions. One crucial factor is temperature, which significantly influences the growth, yield, and even quality of tea leaves. Let’s delve into the hot (and cold) topic of how temperature affects tea plantations.   The Sweet Spot: Ideal Temperatures for Tea   Tea plants are happiest in a temperate zone, with a sweet spot ranging from 13°C to 28-32°C (55°F to 82-90°F). This range allows for optimal photosynthesis, driving healthy growth and abundant flushes (new leaf growth). Warmer temperatures within this r ..read more
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Sipping Success: Navigating the Global Tea Trade in 2023
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
Tea, one of the world’s most beloved beverages, has been a symbol of culture, tradition, and relaxation for centuries. With its diverse range of flavors, origins, and health benefits, tea has become a global commodity and a thriving international trade market. In this article, we will explore the dynamics of the global tea trade in 2023 and discuss its current trends and challenges. The global tea trade is a vast and intricate network, connecting tea producers and consumers around the world. Tea is predominantly produced in countries in Asia, Africa, and South America, and then shipped to vari ..read more
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Brewing Harmony: The Global Dynamics of Tea Relations
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
Tea, a beverage that transcends boundaries and cultures, has long been a symbol of diplomacy and connection among nations. As an integral part of daily life for millions around the world, it is not surprising that tea plays a significant role in international relations. This article delves into the rich tapestry of tea relations between countries, exploring how this humble leaf has fostered connections, trade, and cooperation across the globe. The Roots of Global Tea Trade The history of tea relations between countries can be traced back centuries. China, the birthplace of tea, holds a special ..read more
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The Enchanting Elixir: Unveiling India’s Top 5 Tea Areas
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
India, often referred to as the “land of tea,” boasts a rich tea heritage that stretches back centuries. From the rolling hills of Darjeeling to the lush landscapes of Assam, the country is home to some of the finest tea gardens in the world. In this article, we will embark on a virtual journey to explore the top five tea gardens in India, where the art of tea cultivation merges harmoniously with breathtaking natural beauty. Darjeeling Tea Gardens: Nestled in the picturesque hills of West Bengal, Darjeeling is renowned for producing the “champagne of teas.” The tea gardens here are perched at ..read more
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The Healing Brew: How Regular Tea Drinking Helps the Human Body
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
Tea, the world’s most consumed beverage after water, has been cherished for centuries not only for its soothing taste but also for its potential health benefits. From ancient traditions to modern scientific research, tea has been praised for its ability to invigorate the mind, boost energy, and even promote overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which regular tea drinking can positively impact the human body. The Abundance of Antioxidants: One of the key reasons tea is often regarded as a health elixir is its high concentration of antioxidants. Antioxidants p ..read more
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Exploring the Health Benefits of Green Tea: Myth or Reality?
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
For thousands of years, green tea has been consumed in Asia and is now gaining popularity in the Western world. It is often touted as a health elixir with numerous benefits—from weight loss to cancer prevention. But how much of this is true? In this article, we will explore the scientific evidence behind the health claims of green tea. Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make black tea and oolong tea. This process helps to preserve the natural green color of the tea leaves, givin ..read more
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Affects of Tea on Corona Virus
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
As the world continues to grapple with the ongoing pandemic caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), people are looking for ways to boost their immune system and stay healthy. One drink that has gained popularity in recent times is tea, with many people claiming that it can help prevent or reduce the severity of the virus. But is there any scientific evidence to back up these claims? Let’s take a look at the effects of tea on COVID-19. The first thing to understand is that tea contains antioxidants, which are molecules that help neutralize harmful substances in the body. These substances, called ..read more
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Tea Industry in 2023
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
The tea industry is set to undergo some significant changes in 2023. With the increasing focus on sustainability and health, many consumers are shifting their purchasing habits towards more ethical and natural options, and the tea industry is no exception. One trend that is expected to continue in 2023 is the growth of specialty and artisanal teas. These high-quality teas, often made from rare or heirloom varieties of tea plants, are hand-crafted in small batches and offer a unique and complex flavor profile. Many consumers are willing to pay a premium for these teas, which can fetch prices as ..read more
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Season of Tea Drinking
Namhah Blog
by Ankit Baid
2M ago
December is the month where the tea consumptions hits highs all accross the subcontinent because of the cold weather. People from the sub continent rejuvinate themselves with tea. During this season Namhah Tea is offering great teas at discounted rates. Now enjoy the season of tea drinking with namhah tea ..read more
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