Adventures in Career Development
I’m Tristram Hooley. I am a careers expert and am available for comment, editorial and opinion pieces, speaking opportunities and other things that interest me. I’m interested in career, career development, career guidance and career education. I’m also interested in social science research methods, learning technology and plenty more besides. I post about all of this stuff on this blog.
Adventures in Career Development
6d ago
Yesterday Keren Coney and I presented to careers advisers in the Solihull Careers Hub. This was part of a new initiative by the Hub to provide a developmental space for careers advisers. We really welcome this and are keen to support both careers leaders and careers advisers and recognise that sometimes this is best done ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
1w ago
We have just issued a call for papers for the launch conference of the Critical Perspectives on Career and Career Guidance network. Please consider submitting a proposal by 28th February. Some funding will be available to cover the costs of attending. Further information follows ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
2w ago
Suzanne Rice and I have just published a new new paper entitled How can and should secondary school teachers be involved inbuilding students’ career knowledge and skills? A Delphi study of the expert community. It is open access, so you should be able to access it where ever you are. I hope that it will ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
2w ago
Submissions are now invited for volume 55 of the NICEC journal which will be published in Autumn 2025. In keeping with our new approach to the journal we are open to receiving articles on all topics. However, this issue will include a special collection guest edited by Emily Róisín Reid focused on career development as ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
2w ago
Last week we ran a webinar to provide an introduction to The Career Development Handbook. Just in case you have missed it, this is a new book written by Gill Frigerio, Rosie Alexander and myself. The book is designed to give a comprehensive introduction to the field and practice of career development. The book is ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
3w ago
Thursday 6th March – 9.30am to 4.30pmLocation: Kedleston Road Campus, Derby DE22 1GB£125 At the start of March we are offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend the day with me, Gill Frigerio and Rosie Alexander for a one day workshop exploring The Career Development Handbook. The workshop will help you to: All ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
3w ago
Earlier this week I participated in a seminar organised by the World Association of Public Employment Services. In this I had the opportunity to present some of the work that we have been doing on career guidance in public employment service. As well as my presentation on the results of the survey we also heard ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
3w ago
I have just finished a project in which iCeGS has collaborated with the World Association of Public Employment Services and the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy. In this project we sought to explore the provision of career guidance in public employment services globally. The report finds that there is a global footprint ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
1M ago
We have just published a new article in the Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning. This is an open access journal so the article is freely available to anyone who is interested. Schulstok, T., Kjærgård, R., Hanson, J., & Hooley, T. (2024). Is the Concept of Calling still Relevant to Career Decision Making in ..read more
Adventures in Career Development
1M ago
So every year I publish my New Year’s Resolutions on this blog. This is an attempt at some kind of reflective practice and also a desire to give myself some accountability for the things that I want to do. At the end of the year I review my progress against these resolutions and let people ..read more