Calgary Doula Association Blog
Our Mission Statement The Calgary Doula Association believes that every woman and family deserve a doula. The Calgary Doula Association strives to increase the quality of prenatal, birth and postpartum support by promoting access to doulas that adhere to a strict standard of practice.
Calgary Doula Association Blog
1y ago
Parents everywhere will attest to how crazy home life with children can be. It is normal for most children to often need attention and engagement from their caregivers, siblings, or friends. At the best of times, this constant stimulation can be exhausting for a parent. When children are sick, it is typical for them to need their loved ones more than usual... demanding snuggles, mind-numbing television, and contact naps.
To be honest, I can think of worse scenarios. My littlest one is growing up faster than I like, and the cuddles and contact naps are becoming less with each passing day... A ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
1y ago
5 Underasked Questions For Your Doula
Most often, the 3 questions soon-to-be-parents ask their doula are:
"How long have you been a doula?"
"Do you have any other famalies with a due date close to mine?"
"How much do your services cost?"
These questions aren’t bad…they’re just not great!
How long someone has been a doula doesn’t necessarily mean much. Each doula takes on a different number of clients, and no two births are ever the same.
Some people start labor before their due date and others a bit after. Another client having a due date close to yours, doesn’t mean you both will definitely ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
1y ago
Benefits of having a bilingual doula at your birth
If your first language isn’t English, hiring a bilingual doula at your birth can make all the difference!
Having a doula that speaks your language can really take the stress and the pressure off. It is often difficult to communicate in your native language while in labor, imagine trying to communicate in your second language during a contraction! Contractions take all your focus during labor, don’t waste your energy on….
Did you know that a doula can come to your prenatal appointments with your care provider? That means a bilingual doula can ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
3y ago
By: Natalie Borden IBCLC CD/PCD(DONA)
Originally Posted From: Devoted Doula Birth & Breastfeeding Services
I am a firm believer in that if you understand the why of things, you are better able to manage hurdles as they come. The calibration of milk production follows a generally predictable pattern given frequent and effective removal of milk from the breast. I will provide some insight into how milk production is calibrated under the preferred circumstances below.
Before we can talk about calibration once baby is born, we need to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
4y ago
By: Bethany Galster, intro by Rachel Parris
Originally Posted From: https://fiveelementsbirth.com/blog/pregnant-in-calgary-now-what
Congratulations! You're going to have a baby. That's awesome. And probably, on some level, completely terrifying.
You're probably already thinking about the million things you need to get done in the next nine(ish) months.
Breathe. You've got this. I promise.
Our maternity care system can be convoluted. Do you see your family doctor, a midwife, an OB/GYN? And when? What tests and procedures are usually recommended? What choices are available to you?
W ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
4y ago
When Storage Meets Design
Although they may be adorable and small, newborn babies come with a lot of “stuff.” Among the little clothes, diapers, and furniture, there is a lot to think about when decorating, arranging, and organizing a nursery. Naturally, you want to make sure the nursery looks just as cute as your baby. Here are a few tips for a functional, well-organized, and beautiful nursery.
Arranging the Furniture for Function
Many soon-to-be moms and dads have the walls painted and pick out bedding and mobiles and perfect outfits before they even think about buying ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
4y ago
By: Heather Crossan CD(DONA), PCD(DONA)
Originally posted from: http://elitedoula.com/blog/20/finding-a-calgary-doula
So, you're pregnant and have decided you want some extra support before, during or after your birth, but where do you find that? Calgary is full of young families that no longer live close to friends and family, so where do you turn when you need a pregnancy support network? Utilizing a doula is one way to access that support, but where do you even begin? What do you search for? Who do you ask? How do you pick the right birth or postpartum doula for you and your family?
T ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
4y ago
By: Rachel Parris CD(DONA)
Originally posted from: http://fiveelementsbirth.com/blog/giving-birth-at-south-health-campus-an-insiders-guide
I love finding out that a client will be birthing at South Health Campus (SHC), Calgary’s newest hospital.
The staff is warm and friendly, with a strong emphasis on collaborative care. From a nurse bringing our client a breast pump because she saw on her birth preferences page that she wanted to try that first to ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
4y ago
By: Tracy Hudson CD(DONA)
Originally posted from: http://www.maternalinstincts.ca/blog/choosing-where-to-have-your-baby-in-calgary
Our last blog post talked about the options for maternity caregivers in Calgary and expressed the importance of making an early decision. Choosing how and where you want to birth goes hand in hand with the type of caregiver you have. As stated in that post, if you wish to have a water birth, home birth or have your baby at the birth centre, you will require a midwife to achieve this. If none of those things are an your wish list, yo ..read more
Calgary Doula Association Blog
4y ago
By: Rossana Keay CD(DONA)
Originally Posted on: http://mydoulove.com/2017/01/23/the-doula-and-her-bump-2
That’s right, you read the title of this blog correctly. I am, in fact, a doula who is pregnant. Some people have asked me if it’s even possible to practice as a doula while carrying a baby of your own in your belly and I can tell you it absolutely is.
Though every doula is different, I can share that being pregnant and doulaing is a lot easier than it sounds if steps towards self-care and stress management are taken. Yes, being on-call 24/7 supporting families for an undetermined amo ..read more