Top Hacking News Blog
Covers Hacking News , Cyber Attacks and Security News.
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
Today the Hacktivist group Anonymous successfully hacked the official rss.org website based on India as cyberguerrilla website claims. Anonymous said the RSS have killed a lot of innocents people and that is the reason for this RSS Data Leak.
The Anonymous wrote this text message:
"RSS.ORG LEAKED! #Anonymous #CyberLeaks
Hi Brothers and Sisters, there is the Leaked data from rss.org. The terrorist group based on India!
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/92tmvobk8xg2va4/LEAKED+rss.org+.rar
Password is: opindia
There are documents , admins informations , admins computers and more. They ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
MalwareTech — the security researcher who stopped the WannaCry ransomware outbreak — was arrested in Las Vegas on accusations of creating the Kronos banking trojan together with another person.
The arrest — first reported by Motherboard — took place yesterday, August 2, after the DEF CON security conference.
According to an official indictment, authorities arrested MalwareTech — real name Marcus Hutchins, 23, from the UK — for creating and updating Kronos, a well-known banking trojan that uses a technique called web injects to insert fake login pages for online banking portals in various br ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
The 22-year-old British security researcher who gained fame for discovering the "kill switch" that stopped the outbreak of the WannaCry ransomware—has been reportedly arrested in the United States after attending the Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas.
Marcus Hutchins, operates under the alias MalwareTech on Twitter, was detained by the FBI in the state of Nevada, a friend of Hutchins confirmed Motherboard.
At the time of writing, it is unclear why the Internet's 'accidental hero' has been detained by the FBI, but his arrest has sparked an endless debate in the security community.
Hut ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
Although the wave of WannaCry and Petya ransomware has now been slowed down, money-motivated hackers and cyber criminals have taken lessons from the global outbreaks to make their malware more powerful.
Security researchers have now discovered at least one group of cyber criminals that are attempting to give its banking Trojan the self-spreading worm-like capabilities that made recent ransomware attacks go worldwide.
The new version of credential stealing TrickBot banking Trojan, known as "1000029" (v24), has been found using the Windows Server Message Block (SMB)—that allowed WannaCry and ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
Cyber criminals are becoming more adept, innovative, and stealthy with each passing day. They have now shifted from traditional to more clandestine techniques that come with limitless attack vectors and are harder to detect.
Security researchers have discovered that one of the most dangerous Android banking Trojan families has now been modified to add a keylogger to its recent strain, giving attackers yet another way to steal victims sensitive data.
Kaspersky Lab's Senior malware analyst Roman Unuchek spotted a new variant of the well-known Android banking Trojan, dubbed Svpeng, in the mid ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
If you are a fan of Game of Thrones here is a shocking news for you – Home Box Office (HBO), has joined the list of media giant who suffered data breaches. In HBO’s case, hackers have leaked unreleased and upcoming episodes and scripts of groundbreaking Television show Game of Thrones.
That’s not all, hackers who have claimed responsibility for the hack are threatening to leak more data in coming days. So far, according to a report from Entertainment Weekly, hackers have sent emails to several media outlets claiming that they have stolen 1.5 terabytes of data from HBO’s system.
Entertainmen ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
China is well known for its online censorship and surveillance tactics, but earlier today news broke that Apple has removed all virtual private network (VPN) apps from App Store in China. This means Apple users in China can not avail online anonymity anymore and their privacy is at high risk.
ExpressVPN, a British Virgin Islands-based VPN provider, was the first one to notice the issue when their app was removed from the App Store. Upon further digging, ExpressVPN discovered that Apple had removed all major VPN apps from the App Store.
In their blog post, ExpressVPN wrote that:
“We’r ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
WikiLeaks has just published a new set of classified documents linked to another CIA project, dubbed 'Imperial,' which reveals details of at least three CIA-developed hacking tools and implants designed to target computers running Apple Mac OS X and different flavours of Linux operating systems.
If you are a regular reader of THN, you must be aware that this latest revelation by the whistleblower organisation is the part of an ongoing CIA-Vault 7 leaks, marking it as the 18th batch in the series.
If you are unaware of the Vault 7 leaks, you can head on to the second of this article for havi ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
It is understandable to receive Internet of Things (IoT) related warnings like vulnerable public WiFi or charging spots that can be hacked but a drive-through car wash? Well, it turns out Internet connected car washes or smart car washes can be hacked and trap the customer inside with their vehicle or even smash it while you in there.
IT security researchers at WhiteScope Billy Rios and Jonathan Butts have discovered a critical security flaw in the design of the software responsible for running a huge number of Internet connected car washes in the United States. The flaw can allow an attacke ..read more
Top Hacking News Blog
4y ago
Today the Hacktivist group Anonymous successfully hacked the official rss.org website based on India as cyberguerrilla website claims. Anonymous said the RSS have killed a lot of innocents people and that is the reason for this RSS Data Leak.
The Anonymous wrote this text message:
"RSS.ORG LEAKED! #Anonymous #CyberLeaks
Hi Brothers and Sisters, there is the Leaked data from rss.org. The terrorist group based on India!
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/92tmvobk8xg2va4/LEAKED+rss.org+.rar
Password is: opindia
There are documents , admins informations , admins computers and more. They ..read more