Girl with MS
Caroline Craven is an Award-winning Blogger, Speaker who is living with Multiple Sclerosis. In my blog you will know about my experiences and how to live better with MS & chronic illness.
Girl with MS
2y ago
In February, 2001, I lost the ability to walk or see unassisted. The MS hit hard and fast while I was traveling across Guatemala with friends. That was a long time ago as much as it was yesterday.
Over these past 22 years, who I knew as myself as a person had changed. A once reliable, active, energetic and hardworking person was no longer. The intention was there but the actions proved differently.
My career changed from a corporate executive to nothing then to a life coach, health journalist, blogger and advocate. Challenges with driving automobiles ..read more
Girl with MS
2y ago
I first created this list for the holidays. But really, they help anytime! These are lifestyle changes that do make a difference.
As a certified MS life coach I'm often called into service during stressful times. The tools we create and work with help us throughout the year, which is an added bonus.
The holidays take planning when living with a chronic illness like MS. Somethings are easy, some are more difficult.
Here are 10 simple tricks to help us all get through the next few weeks a little calmer, a little better.
Here's to thriving versus survi ..read more
Girl with MS
2y ago
One of the first things everyone asks me these days is if I follow a certain diet, or avoid certain foods. The answer is a resounding YES. I'd love to say that eating anything and everything is OK but it's not. Just recently my diet changed, for the worse, and after six months my MS, along with everything else in my body, went absolutely haywire.
Not every MS patient should follow the same diet. Everyone is different, just as their illness. Recommend instead the trial and error method. Remove a variety of food, one at a time, and see if it affects your MS ..read more
Girl with MS
2y ago
Sometimes this is not very easy to do, keeping your clothes on, with MS. Summer months are brutal and just hiding out by the AC doesn't cut it for most folks. Planning ahead with cooling devices is best but sometimes we simply wake up in the "red zone", inflamed and sensitive, a red flag for a relapse.
When I'm in the Red Zone the first thing done is to rate the shade of red. Am I getting a little pink or have I fried myself?
And then ask myself why?
What did I do yesterday?
What did I eat?
What was the temperature?
How did I sleep?
What's on my agenda today?
What can I do now to move into ..read more
Girl with MS
3y ago
“The light whispering down the hall is enough to encourage a restless night. Breaking sleep to use the restroom, my mind wanders, can comfort return long enough to fall back to sleep or will this be yet another endless battle of little rest and much tossing?”
——— Journal entry, April 1, 2022.
What does a pain-free life mean to those living with chronic illnesses like multiple sclerosis (MS)? Or to anyone who suffers needlessly in pain while the body and mind try to figure out how to find peace?
Chronic pain c ..read more
Girl with MS
3y ago
In 2001 I couldn't walk or see unassisted. MS hit me hard and fast. Life changed for the worse, then it changed for the better.
Self-care includes walking, strolling, yoga and
exploring while being compassionate to my and my MS!
People often asked me what it was that inspired this change. It all started when I was included in a clinical trial way back in 2001. It was a trial for an actual vaccine, a T-cell vaccine by Dr. Leslie Weiner at USC. I basically started looking into a more holistic approach to taking care of myself, using more self-care.   ..read more
Girl with MS
4y ago
What does saliva have to do with MS?
Many people with MS are inspired to help others with their illness by being part of medical research. People living with MS can help with research from clinical trials and all the way to the other end of spectrum, filling out surveys or spitting into a tube.
I am one of those people. Everyone is different and this is a very personal choice. One of my goals in life is to help others with MS so my decision was made early on - how can I help MS research and have fun learning more about myself? With this in mind, I decided ..read more
Girl with MS
4y ago
Are you just surviving or are you thriving?
I recently found that surviving had become my focus. I had lost sight of the thriving aspect of life. It was time to make a shift toward positive awareness of the resiliency I have within me to make a difference with my MS.
Life throws us many transitions and it's not easier with MS, but we can and will get through them. What are these transitions? Anything from the diagnosis to having children to working to just living.
Can-Do MS is an organization that's making a difference in many people's lives, especially mine!   ..read more
Girl with MS
4y ago
Well, that was crazy. Here's to a more settling year - one of SELF-CARE.
Staying safe and sane are my two goals.
Covid and the quarantine brought out some interesting thoughts, actions and behavior over the past year. Some of it fun and new, some of it not so great.
I dabbled in cooking and sourdough, in painting and drawing, and in self exploration.
A few friends passed this year and tragedy struck many. My life was getting me down but I started flipping it around and finding some peace again.
These are just a few tips I'm using to get started on the r ..read more
Girl with MS
4y ago
When a branded drug, such as Tecfidera, loses or outgrows it’s patent, then a generic may become available. And this may be an expensive change depending on the state you live in.
On August 17, 2020, the FDA approved a generic drug of dimethyl fumarate by maker, Mylan (now part of Viatris), that is biosimilar to Biogin’s branded Tecfidera. This is VERY important to know in certain states such as California because your insurance may no longer cover brand name Tecfidera starting Jan 2021. Or the pharmaceutical company may no longer be able to provide financial assistance. &nb ..read more