URBAN HUB is an interactive platform for people working on the future of cities and mobility. We collect personal stories about urban landmarks and future ideas for the sustainable development of cities worldwide.
2y ago
Les villes changent à vue d’œil. Si une grande partie de la population habitera en ville d’ici 2050, il reste toutefois difficile d’imaginer à quoi ressemblera la ville du futur. URBAN HUB explore les technologies, les idées et le design qui se cachent derrière les projets de villes futuristes ..read more
2y ago
Las ciudades cambian ante nuestros ojos. Mientras que en 2050 la mayoría de la población vivirá en ciudades, para muchos sigue siendo difícil imaginar cómo será la ciudad del futuro. URBAN HUB analiza a la tecnología, las ideas y el diseño tras los proyectos que dan forma a estas ciudades ..read more
2y ago
Städte verändern sich vor unseren Augen. Während die meisten Bürger bis 2050 eine Stadt ihre Heimat nennen werden, fällt es vielen noch immer schwer, sich die Stadt der Zukunft vorzustellen. URBAN HUB befasst sich mit der Technologie, den Ideen und dem Design von Projekten für futuristische Städte ..read more
2y ago
A era do robô chegou e está pronta para mudar a cara do setor de construção. Conforme as demandas por construção aumentam, os robôs podem trabalhar lado a lado com as pessoas para não apenas aumentar a produtividade, mas também a segurança e a eficiência. O Urban Hub analisa os robôs no futuro da construção ..read more
2y ago
L’ère des robots est arrivée et promet de révolutionner le secteur de la construction. Dans cette industrie en plein boom, les robots peuvent travailler main dans la main avec les humains pour améliorer la productivité, la sécurité et l’efficacité. Urban Hub explore les robots et l’avenir de la construction ..read more
3y ago
Cities change before our eyes. While most of the population will call a city their home by 2050, many still have a hard time imagining what the city of the future will look like. URBAN HUB checks out the technology, ideas, and design behind the projects shaping futuristic cities ..read more
3y ago
The age of the robot has arrived and it’s set to change the face of the building industry. As demands for construction rise, robots can work hand in hand with people to not only boost productivity but also increase safety and efficiency. Urban Hub looks at robots in the future of construction ..read more
3y ago
URBAN HUB looks at eleven infrastructure and building projects in Latin America which not only impress with their architecture and sustainable building concepts but also with seamlessly integrated mobility systems that promise energy efficiency and speed ..read more