Tax Season IRS Tips for Scams
DefenseStorm Blog
2w ago
The IRS has already made several reminders for individuals to be aware of bad actors trying to take advantage of this season to gain access to your personal data and finances. Read tips and guidance taken directly from the IRS’ website, including associated links to stay safe during tax season more
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NIST Framework Password Recommendations
DefenseStorm Blog
3w ago
Take a minute and think about the password(s) you use in both your professional and personal capacities. When passwords are reused or weak, they are far more susceptible to being stolen. One stolen password can lead to a detrimental data breach for your organization more
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Navigating Change: Strengthening Cybersecurity Strategies in a Post-Cybersecurity Assessment Tool World
DefenseStorm Blog
1M ago
To prepare for the FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool sunset date, financial institutions should identify a new framework around which to build their programs and self-assess themselves against that framework using a risk based approach to ascertain that the appropriate level of maturity is reached within various areas more
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Remote Access Tools: Friend or Foe?
DefenseStorm Blog
3M ago
With the remote workforce not showing any signs of slowing down, many organizations are starting to evaluate and implement ways to access these systems through the usage of Remote Access Tools. While these tools provide an incredible amount of value to an organization to stay connected and retain access, Remote Access Tools are a significant attack vector in cybersecurity and are something that should not be taken lightly more
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Cyber Risk Readiness Action Dashboard LIVE in GRID Active
DefenseStorm Blog
4M ago
Announcing the NEW GRID Active Cyber Risk Readiness Action Dashboard.  The additions to DefenseStorm Cyber Risk Management platform delivers DefenseStorm customers an overview and actionable steps to stay Cyber Risk Ready more
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Cybersecurity Assessment Tool (CAT) Sunset Announcement
DefenseStorm Blog
5M ago
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) released important information surrounding the commonly used Cybersecurity Assessment Tool (CAT more
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Cyber Security Software: GRID Active Governance Reporting Functionality
DefenseStorm Blog
7M ago
DefenseStorm has made a cyber security software update to our GRID Active Governance Program with new functionalities, further enhancing its capabilities as a powerful cyber risk management solution.  Organizations now can link dashboards to task schedules for scheduling and documenting report reviews more
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Cyber Scams and the Election: What You Need to Know
DefenseStorm Blog
7M ago
Cyber scams and election season just go together, and as election season begins to ramp up, so will cyber scams and the variety of tactics that bad actors will deploy in the attempt to obtain your personal information more
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The Rise of Banking Trojans in Rogue Mobile Apps
DefenseStorm Blog
7M ago
Banking trojans continue to evolve and succeed due to their ability to persist, bypass security, and evade detection on mobile devices. As investment from fast-moving threat actors continues to increase, traditional security practices are unable to keep up more
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New Account Takeover Fraud Prevention Functionality – Community Watchlists
DefenseStorm Blog
7M ago
DefenseStorm has updated its Account Takeover Fraud Prevention further enhancing its capabilities as a powerful cyber risk management solution.  Organizations can now join the Community Watchlists within Account Takeover Fraud Prevention, where they not only receive alerts of new threats, but can add a threat to the watchlist directly from the Alert view more
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