Practice yoga with me! Classes for all levels and all the tools for your yoga practice. Full length practice sessions, beginner friendly classes, tutorials on almost every pose, meditation, yin, gentle yoga, and of course lots of Ashtanga
23h ago
Here’s are some tips for Krounchasana, Heron Pose. 1. Avoid splaying the body out to the side and moving away from the center line. 2. Orient the body around the center line. Use strength and flexibility to stabilize the pelvis and lift the the torso up and out of the pelvic bowl. 3. Gently pull down with the arms to ground the femur of the extended leg into the socket. 4. This asana requires deep internal rotation, forward bend flexibility and core strength. Don’t push or force. It’s better to adapt the pose than break the body. This video was filmed in beautiful Bali. Do you want to join me ..read more
5d ago
Let your body move into a space of healing in this class with Kino. Feel your back release as you practice gentle spinal twists. Give your nervous system time to relax in constructive rest pose. Join a worldwide community of yogis right here!!!! Kino Yoga YouTube channel is place where you will find all the tools for your yoga practice. Full length beginner friendly practice sessions, tutorials on almost every posture that work like a yoga pose encyclopedia, yoga lifestyle and philosophy discussions and Kino's handstand and yoga demo videos for inspiration from all over the world. Join my free ..read more
5d ago
What is sadhana to you? Is it your yoga asana practice? Or do you have another devotional practice? Sadhana is the sincere effort that we make on the spiritual path. It is a disciplined and devoted activity that requires skillful action. Daily practice aimed at the revelation of the highest truth in our lives, our highest potential, burns away of impurities such as the ego and other obstacles that may occlude or otherwise hamper our ability to see clearly. Join me online @omstarsofficial and tune into these Dharma talks and conferences live. Join me and @timfeldmannyoga in June @miamilifecente ..read more
5d ago
Kino explains the bandhas (locks) and their importance in your practice. Learn about the three bandhas: mula bandha (pelvic floor), uddiyana bandha (diaphragm), and jalandhara bandha (throat). Find out more about how activating these locks can improve your physical and mental health. Join a worldwide community of yogis right here!!!! Kino Yoga YouTube channel is place where you will find all the tools for your yoga practice. Full length beginner friendly practice sessions, tutorials on almost every posture that work like a yoga pose encyclopedia, yoga lifestyle and philosophy discussions and K ..read more
1w ago
Release your hips in this class with Kino. Tune into the hips and pelvis in double pigeon pose. Feel your hips open as you breathe into the places where you feel tension, allowing all stress to melt away. Join a worldwide community of yogis right here!!!! Kino Yoga YouTube channel is place where you will find all the tools for your yoga practice. Full length beginner friendly practice sessions, tutorials on almost every posture that work like a yoga pose encyclopedia, yoga lifestyle and philosophy discussions and Kino's handstand and yoga demo videos for inspiration from all over the world. Jo ..read more
1w ago
How is this one going for you? The lift up after Utkatasana requires so much strength. Learning the proper vinyasa here helps build power in the core and shoulders. Pivot weight toward while compressing the front body and engaging the shoulders. If it doesn’t happen, don’t give up. Try getting an assist to help unlock the feeling of the movement. Keep practicing ? This short tutorial was filmed during our two week retreat in Mallorca @balearicretreats We love this island in the Mediterranean and look forward to spending two weeks there immersed in Ashtanga Yoga and we hope you’ll join us. Date ..read more
2w ago
Get acquainted with your hips in pigeon pose. Join Kino for a gentle, hip-opening class. She'll give you options to use props to make pigeon pose less intense. Feel free to explore the posture and find the version that works best for your body. Join a worldwide community of yogis right here!!!! Kino Yoga YouTube channel is place where you will find all the tools for your yoga practice. Full length beginner friendly practice sessions, tutorials on almost every posture that work like a yoga pose encyclopedia, yoga lifestyle and philosophy discussions and Kino's handstand and yoga demo videos for ..read more
3w ago
What’s out of sight is often out of mind. One of the most difficult alignment pointers in Purvottanasana involves keeping the lower belly drawn in as the hips lift up and the head drops back. In order to support the elongation of the spine, draw the navel in and expand the chest with each inhalation. To send the hips forward, avoid squeezing the butt and pushing the lower belly out. Instead, rotate the thighbones slightly inward, activate the quadriceps and engage the back muscles. To support the neck as it drops back internally, rotate the shoulders and allow the trapezius muscle to slightly ..read more
3w ago
Dial down your nervous system and enter a deep state of relaxation in this class with Kino. Find the silence within as you stretch tense neck muscles and settle into poses like supported child's pose and supported seated wide-legged forward bend. Join a worldwide community of yogis right here!!!! Kino Yoga YouTube channel is place where you will find all the tools for your yoga practice. Full length beginner friendly practice sessions, tutorials on almost every posture that work like a yoga pose encyclopedia, yoga lifestyle and philosophy discussions and Kino's handstand and yoga demo videos f ..read more
1M ago
Which version is for you? Try these three variations of Parsvakonasana and find the best way to work in the standing poses of the Ashtanga Yoga practice. Hook the forearm and stabilize the legs as the first option. If this feels comfortable, place a block on the outside of the foot and guide the hand down. Consider removing the block and closing the gap between the torso and the thigh as the hand reaches all the way to the ground. Remember that the practice is not hierarchical or linear. So choose the option that works best to support the inner work of the posture rather than forcing the body ..read more