What is 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome?
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
7M ago
  22q11.2 deletion syndrome, is a rare disorder that is caused by a deletion in chromosome 22 located specifically in the middle of the chromosome in the area referred to as 22q11.2. This syndrome affects 1 out of 4000 people and signs and symptoms include, developmental delays, poor muscle tone, learning development, feeding issues and […] The post What is 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome? appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children with Down Syndrome
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
7M ago
Signs and symptoms of Down syndrome is fairly easy to detect especially since there are specific physical characteristics of the disorder. But what if there is also a diagnosis of autism? Studies show that 5 to 39% of children with Down syndrome are also on the autism spectrum. There are overlaps in some of the […] The post Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children with Down Syndrome appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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Developmental Disability Awareness Ribbons
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
7M ago
Awareness ribbons in recent history began when Penney Laingen used the ribbon as a symbol of vigilance (from the song, Tie a Ribbon Around the Ole Oak Tree) when she tied a yellow ribbon around the oak tree in her front yard when her husband, Bruce Laingen. a top-ranking U.S. diplomat was a hostage during […] The post Developmental Disability Awareness Ribbons appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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Teaching Students with Feeding Tubes: What You Need To Know
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
7M ago
If you work in a special education class or a day habilitation setting, more than likely you are teaching a student or an individual with complex needs including the use of a feeding tube. According to the Tube Feeding Awareness Foundation, there are over 300 conditions that require students and individuals to receive nutritional support […] The post Teaching Students with Feeding Tubes: What You Need To Know appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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What is Cri Du Chat Syndrome?
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
7M ago
Cri-Du Chat, French for cry of the cat is a rare genetic disorder that occurs when there is a total or short deletion in the short arm of Chromosome 5. This portion of the chromosome is responsible for intellectual disability while the region of 5p15.3 is associated with speech delays and the high-pitched cat cry.  The […] The post What is Cri Du Chat Syndrome? appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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What is Cerebral Palsy?
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
7M ago
What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is a collection of motor disorders resulting from damage to the brain that can occur before, during and after birth. Congenital cerebral palsy indicates that a person developed cerebral palsy at birth which is the case of the majority of people with cerebral palsy. According to the Centers for […] The post What is Cerebral Palsy? appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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Cerebral Palsy and Secondary Issues
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
8M ago
Cerebral palsy affects people differently including; learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, behavioral challenges, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and Executive Function Disorder. People with cerebral palsy often have medical issues as well including, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, swallowing difficulties, vision problems, aspiration and constipation. Seizures a seizure is a sudden, out of control event that can cause involuntary […] The post Cerebral Palsy and Secondary Issues appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
8M ago
Landau-Kleffner syndrome is a rare epilepsy disorder that affects children between the ages of 3 and 7 years. The child begins to experience gradual or sudden loss of speaking and understanding words. Children with Landau-Kleffner syndrome are known to also have abnormal electrical brain waves and seizures that occur primary during the night.   A […] The post Landau-Kleffner Syndrome appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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Ring Chromosome 22
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
8M ago
According to the March of Dimes, about 1 in 150 babies are born with a chromosomal condition. Changes of the chromosome can occur through duplication, deletion or inversion (when the chromosome breaks off and reattaches in the opposite direction). What is Ring Chromosome 22? Ring Chromosome 22 is a rare disorder which occurs when a […] The post Ring Chromosome 22 appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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What is Executive Function Disorder?
Special Needs Resource Blog
by specialneedsresourcetrainingblog
8M ago
What is Executive Functioning? According to CHADD org, Executive function skills refers to brain functions that activate, organize, integrate and manage other functions which enables individuals to account for short- and long term consequences of their actions and to plan for those results. According to Rebecca Branstetter, author of The Everything Parent’s Guide to Children […] The post What is Executive Function Disorder? appeared first on Special Needs Resource and Training Blog ..read more
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