It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
Dating Coach Ronnie Ann Ryan helps women over 40 with modern dating. From online dating to understanding men, Ronnie inspires women to find love again. Believe in love again - it's not too late!
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
11M ago
Speed dating events offer a unique opportunity for singles to meet potential partners in a fun and fast-paced setting. To make the most of these brief encounters, here are some key tips for both men and women:
First Impressions Matter
Dress to impress! Choose clothes that reflect your style while making you feel confident. Wear something flattering and tasteful. A put-together, well-groomed appearance creates a positive impact from the moment you walk in.
Craft a Memorable Introduction
With limited time, a concise and interesting introduction is crucial. Highlight your key interests, hobbies ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
1y ago
Longing for connection and love is an intrinsic part of being human. These nurturing relationships are key to your happiness and mental health.
Despite its importance, many individuals find it difficult to develop and preserve truly significant connections. For those looking to add more joy to their relationships, here are seven easy-to-follow effective approaches.
Why are Healthy Relationships Important?
The role of healthy relationships in our lives goes far beyond just companionship. They significantly contribute to happiness and overall mental and physical health. These relationships are c ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
1y ago
This woman wrote to me about dating a widower and red flags she found. My view point is completely different than hers – here’s the whole story.
The Downside of Dating a Widower
Dear Ronnie,
Help! I am a widow, now dating a widower for 3 years. My intuition told me not to date him as it was only a few weeks after the death of his wife when we first met. At that time he told me it was a long good bye and he was ready.
He is a good man, and different from anyone I have known and cared for.
I have met all of his family and friends. He cleaned out ‘her’ house and only has a few small pics of her a ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
1y ago
In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, JJ DiGeronimo shares how mindfulness helps you advance your career, business, and life.
From Tech Leader To Empowering Women
I wondered how JJ, a tech industry leader, pivoted her career to become a coach and speaker for career women. She told me it wasn’t part of her plan, but instead came about through a bit of desperation.
Women have so much marketed and promised to us with the idea that if you just keep going it will all come together. But for her, it all fell apart!
She had her children in her 30s and she realized that sometimes she ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
1y ago
In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with C.K. Kelly Collins, author of The Swipe Right Effect – The Power to Get Unstuck. Her journey to find happiness after divorce is brimming with suggestions and lessons anyone can use and learn from.
Total Life Makeover
Along with her divorce, Kelly decided to sell her publishing business which was another key piece of her identity, along with being a wife and mother.
To do the hard work of healing, she embarked on a year-long travel sabbatical which allowed her to meet many wise people and enjoy a wide range of experience ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
1y ago
In this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with Rissa Miller, who offers Tea Leaf readings and Smoke Readings, among other interesting talents.
From Journalist to Intuitive Reader
I started by asking how she came from being a journalist to tea leaf reader. Rissa has been a believer and skeptic since a child. She had a third eye that was open like a garage door and saw spirits and entities and more.
Her parents were cool with all this. Unfortunately others told her it wasn’t smart to share these talents with others because people might think she was crazy ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
2y ago
Listen to Tina Erwin tell her crossing over ghost stories and you’ll get a completely different viewpoint on the after death process.
Tina’s focus is helping ghosts, spirits stuck on the earth, to cross over and complete the process of dying. This came about because she lived in a lot of buildings that were haunted!
When her husband was stationed in Italy, they lived in buildings which had been occupied by the Germans during World War II. When they came back to the states, they moved to Charlestown, South Caroline and Tina swears every building there is haunted.
Being around so many ghosts, sh ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
2y ago
Familiar with the art of surrender? In this week’s episode, Soul Guide and Business Coach, Vanessa Broers, shares her story about magic, business, shamanism, and divine feminine energy.
Authentic and Real
Vanessa is all about authenticity and openly reveals where she is on her journey in life and business.
After I introduced her, she mentioned how “baked in” it is in our culture to look a certain way and appear successful. That means many people guard the real truth of their experience.
She said it was too bad I didn’t read a different bio for her, having to stick with this radical level of re ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
2y ago
In this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with Kelly Sullivan Walden, Dream Therapist, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Reverend and workshop leader brimming with wit, warmth and wisdom!
Hot Air Balloon Crash
I started the interview by asking Kelly about her hot air balloon crash. She had taken a large group and her balloon went off course into a Mexican wild game preserve!
From her balloon, someone saw a zebra, then a giraffe, elephant, and caribou. This was NOT supposed to be happening. They drifted apart from the other balloons, finally crashing and being toss ..read more
It's Never Too Late for Love - Dating Blog
2y ago
In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m talking about a super interesting reading for a past life returner.
What is a returner? Someone who has had many lives and returned to earth multiple times to keep learning, healing, and growing.
Past Life Travel Guide
I really enjoy past life work and doing Akashic Records readings for people. Doing this opens your eyes and gives you a much higher level perspective on what is happening in your life today and why. Think of me as your past life travel guide.
What really got to me about the reading in this recording was a number of syn ..read more